The Last Morning

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      Thank you for reading my story! I am really sorry, this chapter is unedited :( I know, it's a little terrible.


               Without a doubt, I was sure it was my dear Nate. I stood up with all my strength and walked up to the door, my face was swollen red, but I really did not mind. It was all Nate in my thoughts, and how I was going to say thank you and sorry and goodbye all at the same time. I slowly opened the door and saw Nate’s ashen face. No, not ashen, his face had a shade of a sorrowful, pale violet. His eyes looked right straight at me, I was happy to see him, but I did not think he was happy as I was. His eye did not shine a hue of pretty diamonds, but they were black with coals of sadness. I have never seen him so down. He grabbed my arm and folded his arms around me. No utterance of words, or long speeches. There was only silence. Nothing ever made me feel better. He was my personal Methadone, my sole cure. I have missed him already. I buried my face in his neck. I didn’t know when I would next see him, or be with him as close as I was then. And just like in every love story, I knew at that point that I was at the climax of my own story. I was so happy to see him. I did not care if something bothered him, but what made me happy was his small gesture of taking me in his arms. He made me feel an envelope of safety. I felt his love surround me and his friendly hands cover me with the fire of desire burning through us. When we pulled apart, our eyes carved sharp stares at each other in the thin air. Our faces were a few centimeters apart. Without hesitation and a fully-recognizable instinct, he cupped my face and my hands travelled through his neck. Our lips met and danced rhythmically like music. No one was between us. He fisted my hair as his zaftig lips pressed harder on mine. We went on for a couple of minutes until I gasped for air. I was laughing spontaneously, enjoying the moment, but when I looked up at Nate’s eyes, a poker-faced emotion was what he gave me. His eyes were dark. I stopped laughing. I began to look at his sorrowful eyes, and that was when tears sprung out of my eyes. I loved him so much that it pained me to my roots to realize that his eyes were lamenting for he knew that would be the first and last kiss we’ll ever share. He opened his mouth to say something, and he looked so vulnerable in front of me. He closed his mouth and turned away from me, retreating from my gaze. I wanted to launch from behind and hug him tight, but I had no energy anymore. I stood behind him, motionless, tired of weeping, but my heart had no choice. My tears mimicked the flow of pain out of my broken heart.

“Why did you… Why did you kiss me? What for?... I-“ I said in sobs and gasps. I heard my own weak, frightened voice. My voice was strong and hostile. 

There was nothing but deafening silence.

I repeated my question, hoping that it would become stronger the second time around, but my body failed me. Only a weak Coe managed to blow the words out.

"why Nate?" I whispered weakly. "I- I- I am in love with you Nate." I confessed, almost inaudible.

Nate turned to face me, and when he did, that was the only time I realized that he was tired as I was. 

"I have something to tell you, Coe." he blurted out in response to my confession. His eyes were cold and dark. He was not happy about my confession. He was just poker-faced. I could not decipher his emotions.

"What do you have to tell me Nate? I am listening."

He let out a long deep sigh, as if he was letting go of allthe thorns in his heart. He held my hand and kissed it for a long time. He placed it back down and he led me to the balcony. My heart beat was racing with expectation. When we reached the balcony, he gazed at the morning sun and a tear fell from his eyes. I witnessed his sadness and it has pained me more.

"What is it Nate?"

           Nate never let go of my hand. 

          "First of all Coe, before anything else, I want to say goodbye while I still have the chance to do so, oh and by the way, I called Elizabeth last night, so she'd be taking you home, and it won't be like the first time I brought you home. I want to say sorry for all the wrong that I have done to you and I want to say thank you for bringing back the life in me, even for a short period of time."

           My tears were all uncontrollable. My eyes were sore, and I did not want his last words. I wanted him. His all in all. Nate continued to speak.

           "Coe, I love you, so much and more than my own life. I love you so much, that I don't know what to do without you, and because I do love you, I think you have every right to be free. Coe, I know you'll be mad at my confession. But it was me." Nate lowered his face

           "What you?" I asked, realky confused.I sniffed and sniffed and felt so tangled inside.

           "I murdered Kevin."

           "What? You? You did what?" I asked, really feeling fury rise in my veins.

            "I KILLED HIM! " Nate shouted. He suddenly became a monster to my eyes. I was so scared and so I ran and left the balcony and rushed back to my room.              I sobbed all the more and saw Linda zipping my bag. I hugged her tight and cried all I could. I felt devastated and I felt betrayed, but I could not keep myself from admitting, my feelings for Nate were still as fiery as before.

           "What happened Coe?" Linda asked as she caressed my back.

           "Linda, am so so sorry. I am going home." I said.

            Linda nodded and she wiped my tears and dabbed powder on my face. You have to look good, Elizabeth is waiting for you. Linda was so caring. I was happy she was there to help me. She brought my bag on her hands and helped me go down the stairs. It was obvious that Nathan hadn't moved a muscle. We were at the base of the stairs when I remembered that I should leave my words.

           "Linda, please tell Nathan that I love him so much, even after all. It's just that I got scared and I am frightened that it is not my Nathan in that balcony anymore. I miss my old, loving Nathan." I managed to say the words, though I wished it was Nate in front of me.

           Linda held both of my hands. "I will tell him, Coe." We hugged and I turned to face Liz.

           I missed her so much. I threw my hands at her and gave her a hug. I smiled at her and tears began to stream again. 

          "Coe, you can walk, but why are your eyes like that? You look like a dead vegetable. What happened ?Did Nathan hurt you, honey?" Liz asked, worried.

          "No Elizabeth. I just missed you so much that I wanted to see you badly." I lied.

           We hugged again. The next thing I knew was that we were outside the mighty mansion of the Halls. 

            Goodbye Nate, I love you, I said to myself. I waved at the house, at nothing actually. I looked longingly at the bird nests and the elfins remembering the days when Nate and I were still happy. 

            I will miss you Nate. I love you, I love you.  

-End of "The Last Morning"

Believe me, I was also shocked to know that it was Nate who murdered Kevin. Haha. Update will happen soon. Thank you for reading. 

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