The Hitch

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This one's unedited again, but I hope you'll enjoy. This is really a great chapter

-Molly <3

The awkward silence was killing me inside. I wanted to ask this guy about his personality,why was he in that room, who was he in Nate's life. Why was he eating with me right now. I stared at his untouched food, wondering why he's not even eating. I asked myself why was he so mysterious, Why so abruptly out of the blue he arrives, when I didn't even see him come. I realized that his eyes were glued to my downcast face.

I shyly looked up, and yes, I was right. His deep eyes were searching for meaning, for information in my life. I shot my eyes down again, that's when he began the talking.

"Coe, are you sure you're waiting for Nate to arrive the whole day?"

"U-uh. I have nowhere to go anyway. Besides, I could talk to Linda.She could... um... teach me how to cook?"

"Linda?! Haha. are you kidding me? With this whole feast, I bet she's going to kill herself if she teaches you how to cook and then you two would spend more ingredients."

"Oh... Yeah. I'll be reading a book up in my room, if that's the case."

"The whole day? Really Coe? A book? That is not you. You're no reader."

"How could you say that?!?!?!" I exclaimed, feeling insulted.

"It's just that... you got pitched in an accident which involves crazy car-driving. I won't expect a bookworm to waste time on I-wanna-try-this-hands-on-adventure. Maybe, a reader would rather sit under the sun and read about cars or adventure."

I lifted my hands up, quite impressed at his predicament.

"Fine, I'm not a reader."

"So, what are you going to do then?"

"Umm... sleep? Play with Nate's XBOX? Watch Nba? I don't know really."

"You wanna practice walking? So that when Nate comes back... Oh... But if you find that thing awkward... then..."

Knowing where the conversation was going, I chirped an "Oh yes! That would be fun. Outdoors? F-U-N."

He smiled, obviously happy about what was happening.

We continued eating in silence, or rather, I ate in silence. It was dang quiet and I hated it. Ine, I'm now friends with Kevin, Yay! Finally I'm staying outdoors. I bet Nate won't really mind if Kevin stays with me today. I love Nate, and Kevs is just a friend.

I almost jumped when Linda slipped out of the kitchen and cheerily said

"Helloooooo! Are you done, dear Colette?!"

"Oh... hi Linda. Very cheerful huh'?"

"Oh yes! Tonight would be a very special night indeed."

I smiled, knowing what she was pertaining to.

"Uh, Linda. Would you be okay if you stay alone in the house today?"

"Why? Do you want me to go with you somewhere?"

"No, not really. I'm going to be with..." I was about to point at the seat where Kevin was situated awhile ago, only to realize that he had left. I frowned. Linda looked so confused about what I was talking about.

" with?"

"No, nevermind Linda. He was here before you came... my friend."

"Oh... I see you brought a friend with you..."

"No... I... " I tried to explain, but Linda began to interrupt me.

"No, I'm okay alone here in the house. Besides, my husband would come later to mow the lawn."

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