The Admirer

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That night I was able to sleep peacefully despite all the weird stuff going on with the note and the elf. I thought that it might've been some admirer nextttuyyuuuuuiiopp door.

Work has been much more easier in the office the next few months. The advertising department was doing well. The products we endorsed claimed to have good ratings and the conceptualizations were outstanding. Meanwhile, Mr. Edwards was all "hands on" the advertisement sector of their company, which was a little subject. He was often around the office, checking if everything was "okay". Lillian visited us less often but, she did often complained about her brother spending his wee hours at CBS.

"Parker." Lillian greeted me.

"Hello Ms. Edwards, how may I help you?" I felt a sudden surge of fear. The last encounter I had with her was pretty traumatic.

She lowered her feather hat and gave me a slick smile. "Uh, I'd like to talk about something that concerns the advertising department of CBS, you being the Executive Producer and my brother being the CEO of M.E. & Co. Telecommunications. Tag along, Parker,"

"Miss Edwards, if you'd ask me to stay away from Declan,With all due respect Madam, I should say that him being here in his wee hours is not my fault."

"I know darling. I am glad that it isn't your fault."

I did not understand. I paused in terror. "Th- then what do y- ou?" I stuttered before her.

She gave me a friendly, elegant smile and brushed her ring on my arm.

"Chill, let's talk inside." Ms. Edwards led the way to the huge meeting auditorium.

"Ms. Edwards, are we expecting any visitors? I am sure we can talk somewhere more informal."

"This is a touchy subject Parker. This is about the Mathers-Edwards family. I do not know what kind of mantras you give away, I don't know how you do the voodoo. Declan may have not mentioned to you, but I know when my brother is into a girl. And for the record, I think this is the first time I have seen him into a girl, and serious towards a girl."

"If you want me to resign Ms. Edwards, I can finish the contract this year and sign my leave. If this will not do Declan any good, then it's fine with me. If he's becoming lax with your business, and you think I am his weak spot, then I believe in you. I can resign this year. I am sure I could find a good..."

"Wait, Parker, what?" She seemed shocked, and I was too. "You are a brilliant Executive Producer, and you do your job well. I am proud that my brother can sniff his way to amazing types of women. This has nothing to do with your professional career, Parker."

"Thank you Madam, but if not, then would you want me to get away from Sir Edwards?"

"Why would you think that? I am inviting you... rather, our family, including our dad wanted to invite you to a dinner... at our home. You'd be the first girl to be invited to our house because usually we take Declan's girlfriends to bail dine in restaurants. It would be a formal evening." Lillian handed me a card pass to which read "The Edwards' Dinner with Ms. Colette Parker, CBS Executive Producer, Chief Executive Administrator to the M.E.C. Telecommunications. Saturday Evening 7:00 pm. NYST."

I paused to read the flashing headlines...Dinner with me!!

"I hope you won't reject my invitation, Colette. That is all. You may contact me if you can't come though. I am sure Declan and Dad would..."

"I am coming, Lillian." I cut her off. I did not know where I got the courage but what matters is that I left the Edwards family a big, big YES.

It was entirely awkward that it was Lillian who told me that Declan was attracted to me. I knew for sure that the world would turn up side down if she and her family would know that I am not at all interested in dating him because of Nathan. I didn't want to get a step closer. I needed a friend who could sympathize with my shattered emotions... someone who could understand me. I did not want another guy to mess up my life. I said yes because I wanted to, and not because I was cornered by Lillian. I said Yes not for Declan but out of respect to his family. I don't believe Lillian that I was the only woman to get the chance to have dinner with them. I knew for one that Declan also thinks that I am friend. He once mentioned someone, and the only one dear to him.

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