Invited!:Chapter 18

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"Yeah, sorry I was just busy." I sent.

"Oh okay. You still busy orrrr..?" He asked.

Now, This is where I messed up.

"Nah I'm done with everything." I sent.

"Oh, well I was just gonna um ask you if you would want to come to the party tonight at Cassie's House..? Its not like a date or anything you can bring friends of you know if you want to." He said.

...well. um I never been to a party before. maybe I just need to be more social...yeah i do.

"Oh sure I'd love to." I sent. I looked at the time on my phone. it was 8:32 P.M.

"Oh well do you need a ride.?" He asked.

Now I am not comfortable at all with riding in a car with him. Sure, I can take care of myself but its just still something i cant do...

"No I can have Chris take me." I said

"Oh. Well it started just a few minutes ago. I'll see you there. and Chris. Bye!" He said. 

"Bye." I replied

What the hell... I just said Chris would take me but I didn't even say anything to Chris about a party. I dont even know if he drives..?! God, Help me.

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