Snatched: Chapter 33

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*Minutes Later*

The bell rings. Passing time for the next hour which I had for gym. Included Chris, of course, Michelle, and Tara. Gym was fun because I never got exhausted. Neither did Chris. Surprised I didn't realize that before I found out because now it all adds up together.

Chris and I go to our lockers to get our gym bags. Today I decided to dress out. "Wow your finally gonna change?" He says. "Yup. My legs look too good to keep them covered all the time." I say. "Pretty sure mine are better." He chuckles. "Ain't that the truth." I respond back. We put our backpacks on and shut our lockers. We head towards the gym passing by the red lockers and many love-birds in the hallway. 

We push through the gym doors and Tara runs up to me. "OH MY GOD I HEARD ABOUT THE PARTY!" She shouts and Michelle pops up behind her. "Are you okay?" Michelle asks me. "Yeah I'm fine." I say back. I was fine. This time I wasn't lying. I wasn't a depressed 15 year old anymore. This school changed me and showed me that not all humans are cold hearted idiots that just walk over bodies under the ground we step on. And with the new friends I met they showed me that. 

I come out of my thoughts again to see Michelle mocking what happened at the party. She swings her fist  in the air. "BANG!" She says. Chris and Tara are hysterical. I giggle because Michelle looks ridiculous. "Is she here today?" I ask. "Oh I don't know. We'll see at lunch." Tara said. "Come on lets go change." She says grabbing me and walking me to the girls locker room. I turn around back at Chris and he smiles.

I set my bag down on the bench and take my jacket off, my shirt, shoes, and shorts, keeping my necklace I had on. I put on a white tank top and black shorts ending a few inches from underneath my behind, covering it. I tie my all black Jordan's on and put my hair in a ponytail. Tara changes into a bright pink tank top and a pink skirt.

"Tara are you allowed to wear that?" I ask. "Of course. It has shorts under it. Well, that's what I'm going to tell Mr. Johnson if he asks." She smirks. "Oh God," Michelle mumbles and we laugh. Michelle wore a grey v-neck with red and black basketball shorts. Most days she doesn't change out but when she does its usually tom-boy clothes.

When we walk out the lights have already been turned off in the girls locker room, leaving me exiting it last. Tara and Michelle say something but I couldn't hear them as I walked out the door. Someone grabs me by my waist. They cover my mouth when I try to scream. I cant use my strength, it would be too suspicious. What if its Chris? But Chris wouldn't grab me like this. Putting me in pain.

The door shuts and I'm thrown to the ground. I'm then picked up and pinned against the lockers. "Stop." I try to say but his hand is still over my mouth. "Why? You cant go walking around with them shorts on and not expect this." He says in my ear. I knee him in his stomach and run for the door. He groans, but still manages to grab me by my wrists and throws me on the ground. His knee between my legs so I wouldnt try the same thing again. "H-" I try to scream again but his reflexes are too quick and covers my mouth. Tears start to come up. No, I never cry, I cant show weakness. His left hand drops to my waist and his right hand quickly grabs both of mine pinning them above me. I cant let him have me. I cant. But I can't do anything either. Its the same as it was with the deer hunter. I'm overwhelmed and I cant use my strength. I'm hopeless.

Then the door slams open. The body is thrown off of me. I'm backed up against the wall and he lets me go. It's Chris. I can feel his heartbeat, same as mine. I hear Chris strike his fist against another body, the guy who was on me. I can't see anything and i'm out of breath. The light turns on. Chris hovers over the guys body. It was a kid named Derek. He covered his eye, but the bruise was bigger than his hand. "I'M SORRY! JUST STOP! PLEASE!" Derek yelled in desperation. Chris turned to me. I was crying, and I couldn't stop. He walked over to me. "I'm sorry I'm so useless. I- I can't stop!" I say shaking my head over, and over. He brings both of his hands to my cheeks and holds my head up.

"Don't you ever, say that you are useless. This is just a phase. You can get it over. Just, don't care. Turn all of your emotions off, and it will all go away. The only think you will care for is the people you hold the closest to you." He says then kisses me in the space between my eyebrows. When he lifts his lips, the tears stop. My eyes no longer feel droopy and my heart beats no longer in panic. I look up at him. "It worked.." I say. He smiles and grabs my hand and we walked out the door. The old me would have looked back. But I walk out with a smile on my face, knowing that he deserved it.

I am now cold hearted. The thing that I feared of being. But now,

I really don't care.

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