Time To Process: Chapter 28

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      After A few hours of Chris and I talking and laughing he drove me home. I was now walking up the stairs and smiling. "Hey, you have a good day today?" My mother said smiling as she passed me in the hallway to my room. "Yeah." I said and opened my door and locked it behind me.

I was about to take my hair down and clothes off. The hot sun from earlier made me sweat, but instead I was craving so I decided to go hunting, until my thoughts invaded my head.

No, take the shower and go to sleep. If your so hungry just wait till tomorrow and you can go hunting with Chris. Maybe he can teach us a few things. Sounds fun... ugh I'll just wait, but I still have a blood bag. Then drink it. Hunting waits till tomorrow.  

I walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer to get a blood bag that I was craving. Every now and then I stole some at the hospital. It was fun to be a rebel every now and then but alot of times I had to put my "good girl act" on for behavior.

I ripped open the bag, the blood pumping through my throat, warm. I drank the red substance till the bag was empty. I threw it in the bathroom trashcan. I had blood all over me, so I just disposed of my hoodie and took my shorts and converse off.

I looked in the mirror, seeing the blood turn darker around my lips and on my hands. I must have touched my hair when I took my hoodie off because I now had it also covered in blood. Strands of my hair turned red framed my face, leaving little red lines across it when moved. Greaaat. I hopped in the shower, rubbing the stains off of my skin and out of my hair.

I'm still having a hard time processing the thought of Chris being a vampire before me. What are the chances?He was murdering others also. I shouldn't be guilty of who I am. After all, "All Monsters Are Human."

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