Chris: Chapter 5

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I gave him the paper and we both walked over to the chairs on the wall and sat down. Chris read over the paper with a raspy voice.

Locker 245 Combination - 3 - 21 - 19

Homeroom: Mr. Tate

First Hour: Gym, Mr. Johnson

Second Hour: History, Mrs. Cale

Third Hour: Math, Mrs. Dover (lunch)

Fourth Hour: Science, Mr. Nile

Fifth Hour: Reading, Mrs. Williams

Sixth Hour: Art, Mrs. Crate

Seventh Hour: Writing, Mr. Browns

"Wow." Chris said. "What?" "We have every single class together."..."What..How?" I said grabbing the paper. "You hacked the school just to stalk me?!" He said giggling. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled. "An attitude I see. Hey your the girl I heard that really beat Cassie Jones, aren't you?" He asked me. "Wow you heard about that already?"

"Yeah, I think she deserved it for her big mouth." He said sighing. "Oh, you know her?" "Yeah, I was her friend last year but she was a jerk to me just because I wouldn't date her so i stopped being her friend and she hated me since. Oh well." I laughed. "whats funny Ave?" I looked at him with a question on my face. "It is okay if I call you that, right?" "Yeah, my mother does. It just surprised me since I don't hear it often." "Well you will be now." He said smiling. "Oh so were friends now are we?" I said giggling."Your laugh is cute." I looked up at him and looked at the ground trying to hide the face that I was blushing. "But anyways of course, by the end of the week I expect a Best Friends Necklace." He said laughing. 

We both got up and walked towards the door and down the hall. He showed me to my locker which was on the sheet. His was right next to mine. How did this happen? It can't be just a coincidence. I'm not that gullible. 

He looked at my paper and put my combination in for me and opened my locker. "So your the stalker now, you know my combination." He smiled back. I'm glad this is happening. With all that happened lately I need these few smiles and laughs. He grabbed me and faced me away from him. "What are you doing?" I said still facing away from him. "Being a gentlemen, Miss Ave." as he took off my backpack. I turned around facing him smiling "Thanks." I said. He put my bag in my locker. "You wont need it for Homeroom or first hour." He said. "Why not?" "Because in Homeroom - all we do is talk. And for Gym, you don't look like a girl who would dress out." "Well maybe I just forgot my clothes at home." I said. "I bet that's not the case." He said smiling. 

"Wow, you can read me like an open book." "I hope that's not how it actually is." He said and we both laughed as I punched him on the arm. "See you have a sense of humor but it turns out to be violent. I just hope I don't end up like Cassie." He said with a smirk on his face. "Ha - ha." I said sarcastically. He shut my locker and grabbed me by hand. "Lets get to class, Ave."

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