Homies.:Chapter 32

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The bus stops.

"Babe were here." Chris says shaking my shoulders to wake up. I squint my eyes at the bright sun shining through the rusty bus windows. "ugghh." I grunt getting up. "Yeah yeah I know." He says. We walk off the bus and head towards the front of the building. We walk to our lockers and I put my phone up and my backpack.

I wait for Chris to get all his stuff put up and slightly fall asleep against the lockers. "AVE!" Chris shouts in my face. "I'm awake. I pro-..." I doze off again. Half awake and half asleep I walk with Chris to our homeroom. He sets me down in the seat. I then hear a loud noise in front of me. "OKAY I'M AWAKE!" I shout. He slammed a big history book on my desk. I was no longer tired, so he accomplished his goal.

The bell rings and first hour starts. Chris keeps talking to me to assure that I'm awake. I notice two new girls walk in the room. "Class! This is Dejanae and Corionne. They are new students here at East High." Mr. Tate said. "WELCOME TO EAST HIGH!" The class says. Dejanae was pretty, her brown skin glowed and so did her brown eyes. She wore a black long sleeved crop top with dark blue jeans and black Jordan's.

Corionne, was also very pretty. Her light skin glowed also and her eyes glistened when she smiled. She wore a floral pink and white dress that ended at her finger tips with a brown skinny belt tied around and topped it off with a jacket similar to mine but a bit darker to match her dress with it. They sat in the two desks on my right. "Hey, I'm Avery." I say smiling. "Aye was-sup I'm Dejanae, and this my best friend Corionne." She says pointing at her behind her.

"Heyy." Corionne says, her voice light and sweet and her voice seems to bounce like her curly hair. "So what bus do you guys ride?" I ask. "242. Her mama picked us up so we could get our schedule after our enrollment." Corionne said pointing at Dejanae. "Oh that's what bus Chris and I ride." I say smiling. "This is Chris." I say and point next to me on my left. "Hi." He says and smiles showing his dimples. "Oooh he's fine." Dejanae says. "DEJANAE!" Corionne shouts and laughs.

It brings me and Chris to giggle also."Are ya'll datin? Cause you look like it." Corionne says. "Why do you say that?" I ask. "Cause he over there staring at you and biting his lip." She says. I look over my shoulder to see him doing exactly what she just said. "Ugh Chris." I say smiling. "Sorry. Couldn't help myself." He says laughing, and bringing Dejanae and Corionne to laugh with him. I smile.

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