Heart Part 49

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It's cold as hell, and my head hurts. But not just an irritating pain, there's blood.

I try to settle my vision down, Chris, is right in front of me.

"I might of knocked you against your head." He chuckles.

My fangs come out and I try lunging towards him, but I'm too weak. I fall back down on the ground. I'm in a cave.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you remember the time you killed the babysitter? Well of course you do, you told me about it.

Anyways, you don't actually think you were born like this do you?" 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I sigh. More lies.

"I was there. Your first birthday. We'll lets just say, I might have been the one who turned you."

"That's not possible. I didn't even know what I was doing when I was younger."

"Well I obviously wasn't a child. The same now as I was then. I've been following your family. And your father, I killed. Compelled your mother to forget everything. I set this love fiasco up. You're so damn hardheaded you had to ruin everything." 

A spill of emotions come out. My whole life was a lie. "My sister?! What the hell did you do to her?!"

"I'm not that much of an ass."

"She was adopted whenever you guys thought she was lost or whatever."

He is disgusting. I can no longer see him as the way I did before, ever again.

"But the funniest thing of all, is that you always get what you want. But see, is this what you wanted? I was forced to do this."

Ideas pile up into my head.

He pulls out his phone, and it's blurry, but it seems to be the news.

It's my mothers car. On fire. In pieces.

My eyes burst into tears. 

"I also might of lied when I said I was just filling it up."

He kisses me on my cheek.

Everything adds up. I do recognize him, this is the Chris I saw in all of my visions, of my nightmares. The one that cheered me on to take innocent lives.

I snap, with everything I have I lunge at him, and my hand rips its way through his chest.

He growls then throws me against the rock.

He's yelling, and hes cussing, telling me how pathetic and stupid I am. But it doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore. Everyone's gone. I might as well be too. 

I await for my death, as the blurry vision of him getting closer to me appears. He's going to suffocate me, he's going to snap my neck off, he's going to rip my heart out. Anything. Something.

But nothing happens.

I hear a loud thud, with a chant.

"Phasmotus varus, Phasmotus varus, Phasmotus varus."

A hand lifts my head up. I blink my eyes wondering who it is this time. Maybe it's just Chris playing tricks on me.

I think that until I see on my left, his body on the ground.

In front of me is a lean man, maybe a few years older than me, with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, Ave."

I don't know if I'm seeing or hearing anything right anymore.

"I should have died. I should have died."

"We'll that's a way to thank someone. We''ll I'm Aiden."

"How..." I mumble, but it hurts. I think my spine is broken.

"You seriously didn't think that only Vampires were on this broken planet, did you now?"

My vision turns black.

I should have died.

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