Lunch: Chapter 16

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It was getting dark. I walked out of my bathroom. *rumble* It was my stomach telling me to hurry up before it exploded. I sneaked out of my bedroom window which was on the top story of the house. So yeah, it was a big drop, Oh well, I am a vampire you know, so it was nearly impossible for me to get exhausted or feel pain. Unless, you ripped my heart out, of course.

I jumped down. I ran down the back fence, with lightning speed. I ran towards the woods.

Lunch Time.

I turned towards the river. I smelled food. It was a deer. Clean blood I could smell from here. It was dark outside - but I could see perfectly well.

My vangs pierced out and my eyes turned blood red with veins covered around them. I waited for the deer to focus again on the water it was drinking, and I pounced. My fangs ripped through the animals skin, drinking the blood. The warm blood pumped in my throat and in my stomach. This was dinner. I stopped feeding after I drained all of the blood out. I liked being messy, so I just left the deer there. "Sorry." I whispered into its ear. I ran fast through the woods, took me maybe ten seconds to make it back to my backyard, even though its about 1 mile away from where I found the deer. I jumped up through my bedroom window, not making a sound. I looked in the mirror, still having the fresh blood around my mouth. I washed my face and changed into a white v - neck and left my leggings on and converse and put my hoodie back on.

I jumped on my bed and my phone buzzed.


*New Message From Mike_Baller23!*


Avery's AttractionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon