Truth: Chapter 15

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I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I changed into my favorite black leggings and a black v-neck with my red hoodie. I was starting to crave. But before I can tell you what it was that I was craving; let me tell you what I've been wanting to say for all this time.

The reason why my skin was so cold.

The reason why my eyes were sometimes red.

Reasons why I couldn't be in hospitals.

Reasons why my veins pumped faster.

I, Avery Nicole Dale, am a vampire. But wait, this wasn't my choice. This isn't a twilight story; I some how was born like this. I'm the only one out there, and no one knows about my secret. Not even my own mother. I hate being dramatic but I can't tell anyone; I'm too scared about thinking about being a science experiment with the government. Hate to think that my mother would turn me in like that because I don't think she would, but no ones safe.

When I was 4, that's when the hunger started. My first kill was October , 31 , 2002 - My birthday. It was at night , after the birthday party ended my parents left with Layla to go get the birthday present that they forgot to give during the party. My babysitter was our next door neighbor - Amber. She had red hair and green eyes. Pale skin. That night she went to go set me in my crib, and I ripped her throat open. The blood was disgusting because Amber smoked and did drugs. I threw up, covering up the blood around my mouth without me knowing. When I cried I broke the window behind me.

Since then the police thought it was a robbery gone wrong.

My bad.

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