I'm here: Chapter 40

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        Today ended up actually being a good day. Chris and I ended up having a tie at the end of the game, and we both got an A on the History test. The rest of the day seemed to be a blur but at least a good one. Michelle and Tara seemed to have fun, and they plan on having a party Saturday at Tara's house.

Chris and I might go, and if Cassie's their we'd definitely go. One thing I love about Chris is that he loves drama. Something rare in guys unless hes gay, which he is absolutely not, obviously.

Chris and I walked to my house together. "So how was today." I asked cheerfully. "Good, except I got in a tie with my girlfriend at soccer, when I should have won. She also beat me in Art class. The teacher liked her painting more. In my opinion mine looked fabulous and hers was shitty." He said chuckling.

"You asshole." I slightly punch him and roll my eyes smiling.

"Haha, I love you." He said. "But one thing I'm gonna beat you at is running to your house!" He said and flashed to my front door, leaving me near the bus stop. It took me 1 second to run up to him. "Good game, Mr. Fallen!" I say slapping his butt. He smiles and opens the door.

We run up to my room since dinner wasnt ready yet.

I decided to talk to him about earlier.  He sat down on my bed and I hopped on his lap. He smiled and kissed me.

"Babe, I don't wanna be a bitch so we don't have to talk abou-" I start to say. "They left when I was three. It's okay. I raised myself since. That's why they were never their. I pay my own bills, take care of myself. That's how it's always been. I'm so use to it that way, I never really cared. They loved me but they realized I was stronger without them." He said. 

"So they knew about you?" I asked. "Of course. My first kill was my mothers cat. She scolded me, and my parents had a talk with me. I was smart at the age of three, I remember everything. She said "Your father and I think its best for you to be on your own. Only cause we love you. Be strong, and tell no one." and they left. I never cried." He said laughing.

"Baby..." I said rubbing his cheek and resting my head on his shoulder. "Your amazing, you know that right?" I say. He laughs. 

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