Preventable: Chapter 35

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    It was dark. 

The school building. 

It was dark.

I walked to the end of the hallway, not knowing how I got here but I was compelled to move on. I opened a classroom door, It was blurry. I pushed the doors open. Adrenaline rushed through me. There must have been blood somewhere, but I quickly found out what it was when the classroom light flickered on.

There was a couple sitting on a desk. They stopped sucking eachothers faces off when they saw me. I must have frightened them, but not the kind of frighten as if their parents had caught them, but the type of frighten as if I was a monster drenched in blood. I wiped my mouth, only to realize there was blood. Wasn't mine, but I dont remember whose.

I can feel my eyes dialating. The couple started scooting away in fear as I could feel my body walking over without even thinking about it. My fangs came out, and I was now inches away from them. 

I smiled

and launched my teeth in the girls throat. I quickly reached my arms to the guys neck and snapped it before he could run away, not that he could out run me but just because I couldnt stop. The blood drenched me and I knew this was my addiction. I could stop, but I didnt want to. The girl was screaming in pain as I was taking her blood but I didnt feel any remorse;

any mercy;

or guilt for my actions. Her screams started to be quiter as she realized no one was going to help her. I drained all of her blood and let go as the body fell to the ground like a ragdoll. I was then grabbed by my arm and turned around.

"Ave..." He said. "Hi Chris." I said smiling. He frowned at me. "Ave. Your gonna have to control yourself." He said looking down at me. 

Dont let him change us. These people deserve things like this. After all its the only reason why you exist. 

"Ave are you listening to me?" He asked me. "Yes." I responded looking up at him. I cant act this way okay? He doesnt deserve it. Hes been so good to me and for me to betray him by my hunger isnt okay.

Your weak.

"I love you Avery and I dont want to see you become like this." He said holding my face in his hand. I smiled. 

"I love you too."

Then I opened my eyes to see Chris sleeping next to me, hogging up half of my bed.

It was just a dream;

and hopefully thats all it will ever be.

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