"Just Watching Out for Us.": Chapter 26

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I woke up a few hours later. Chris was up downstairs on his laptop. I got my phone out of my back pocket to send a text to my mother so she wouldn't worry.

"Hey mom, Chris and I went to Cassie's party last night and I kinda spent the night over. We might go to the park later or something. I'll call you afterwards!"

*sigh* I got up to Chris' bathroom to look at myself. Haha, I was a mess. I washed my face off and brushed my fingers through out my tangled hair. "Today might be scary," the voice started saying. This is the nicest thing you might have ever said to me. I responded to the voice. I'm just watching out for us. 

I snapped out of the conversation in my head. Yeah, she, - I was right. Today might be scary. I'm scared of Chris not wanting to talk to me anymore. What if he thinks I'm crazy? What if he sees me as a monster? He might not even believe me.

I walked down the hall and down the steps. Chris' home was nice. Modern furniture, I was impressed. But the weird thing was I haven't seen his parents. Maybe they're at work. I saw Chris on the couch and I walked over to sit next to him. "Good afternoon" He said. "So you wanna go to the park? I'd have to go home and change." I said. "Yeah, I'll pick you up in an hour." He said getting up off the couch.

He was still in his boxers without a shirt. Well, of course I couldn't stop staring. He caught me and dramatically gasped and held his chest. "Pervert!" He said in a girly voice and laughed. "So childish." I said giggling.

A few minutes later we both got dressed and he took me home. "Tell your mother I said hello." He said. "I'll be sure to." I said kissing him back as I opened the car door to walk up to my home. My mother must have still been asleep because as i walked up the stairs to my room I had not seen her anywhere. This wasnt unusual though, she loves to sleep.

I opened my bathroom door and locked it. I stripped all of my clothes of and turned the hot water on and stepped in. I massaged my hair in the shampoo and conditioner. Minutes later I was done and wrapped myself up in a red towel. I walked to my closet and grabbed a blue hoodie and white shorts. I put my converse on and then put my hair up in a pony tail. "hm."

 Hey. Try not to mess this up. "Alright alright," I muttered to myself in response. "Please Chris, accept me." I said grabbing my phone and put it in the front pocket of my hoodie.


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