Arrival: Chapter 21

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        I looked at the cars passing by. They started turning into a blur. Everything was black. And If it wasnt black it was red, covered with blood. But not my blood. His. "What did  I do?! HELP!! CHRIS?!" I was trembling over my steps, stepping over bodies and bodies. I turned a corner bumping into his arms. He smiled.

but something was different about his smile. Fangs. There was, fangs. "no no no... Did. did I?" I asked. "He smiled a bit more. I noticed blood on his neck. "IM SO SORRY!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled panicking. All he did was stare at me in this black and blood bathed room. "CHRIS, TALK TO ME!!! WHERE ARE WE!? CHR-"

"Were Here!" Chris said as we pulled up on the street. It was all a dream. Another one of them.I must've fell asleep because I had my arm rested on the door and my hair was all messed up. "hmm...?" I said looking at my trying to rub my eyes forgetting we were still holding hands. "Haha. You tired?" He said. He opened the mirror for me to see myself.

I fixed my hair with my other hand. "Tadaa." I said with a raspy voice. "Ouch.." I said giggling and trying to hold my throat. "Awe. I wouldnt mind waking up to that every morning." He said. "The jokes never end do they, Chris?" I said smiling and opening the door.

I got out as we unlocked hands. He looked at the ground for a second then shut the door.

Wait what?.

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