18 ~ The Calm Before The Storm

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I sat down in the soft leather seat on the plane and listened to Eric talk to his uncle. He told him the story of what happened to us and now he and Eric were preparing for the worst.

“I know my parents are going to explode when they hear the news, I need to be prepared just in case they do decide to cut me off."

My eyes widen because I didn’t think they would go that far.

“I think we should transfer the money. I am of age and technically it’s my inheritance. Grandfather left that money to me. I say withdraw it all and transfer into the different accounts. At least that way it will build interest and it should be enough for us to live on until I graduate, pass the bar and find a job.”

He came and sat next to me.

“We will be landing shortly. As soon as the transaction is completed let me. I am taking Victoria to her grandmother’s house so I will call you then if I haven’t heard back from you.” He nodded his head and hung up.

“Do you think I will be safe to come with you to Mama Deb?“ he asked with a devilish grin on his face. “Do you think she will whip you?”

“There is only one way to find out and the only person that I will allow to whip me is you,” I said kissing him on the side of his lips.

“You would let me do that?”

“Or I could whip you?”

“You so kinky, I can’t wait to get you home.”

“Speaking of home where will that be?”

“My apartment. When we get back you can move your things to our place.”

“Aren’t your parents paying for your apartment?”

“Yes, but once I hear back from my uncle, we should be fine.”

“If not, maybe you can just move in with me and Sara at least until I get a job and …”

“Nonsense. You need to finish  school and then we will worry about that. I should be able to carry the load with my inheritance.”

I laid my head against his shoulder and twirled my ring. I was hoping everything would work itself out. I had a feeling that something was going to test us. Whether it would be Mama Deb or his parents somehow this day would end on a horrible note.

“Just promise me we stick together, no matter who try to tear us apart Eric. I just have this feeling that we won’t be enjoying this happiness for too long.”

“You can’t think negatively. Happy thoughts okay.”

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