11~ Graduation

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Eric POV

I took my place in line as all the honor graduates lined up first. I wasn't nervous about walking across the stage but every time I thought of that skank Angelique, I wanted to wrap my hands around her neck and choke the breath out of her. Victoria had told me what happened and how she found me last night. I was embarrassed that Vic had to see me that way. I could see the hurt on her face when she told me what happened. Seeing her heartfelt emotion showed me how much she cared.

"Ready man?" My frat brother Leo asked hitting me on the shoulder.

"I guess so. Ready to get this over with."

"Well my parents are throwing me a party after. You are more than welcome to come. You can bring Angelique if you want."

"She and I are not together. It would be a cold day in Hell before I would even consider getting back together with her."

"Sorry dude," he said raising his hands in defense. "I just assumed when I saw her sitting with your family, you two had gotten back together."

"Nah. She may be sitting with them but not for long."

I walked away looking for my parents. If Leo was right, I didn't want Angelique anywhere near my parents. I ran up the stairs from the basement to the audience. I looked around until I spotted my family and sure enough Angelique was sitting next to my mother chatting. I ran up the stairs two at a time before I heard someone call my name.


I looked around to see Vic dressed in a light blue fitted dress and her hair pushed back with a blue and yellow plaid headband. Her natural beauty took my breath away, I was instantly drawn to her.

"Hey," I said walking back down to her blocking her in. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I bent down and kissed her.

"What was that for?" She asked smiling back at me.

"Just because."

"You saw Angelique didn't you?"

"I was on my way up there to confront her."

"Not today. Today is all about you and your many accomplishments. Don't let her spoil your day. You will have plenty of time to talk to her another day."

"I still can't believe..."

"I know but let's not think about it," she said rubbing my cheek and I couldn't help but lean into her embrace. She was right I needed to enjoy this day and I could confront Ang later.I heard the announcement calling for all participants for graduation to take their places.

"You better go."

"One more kiss and I will." I leaned in one last time and kissed her softly and I heard a small moan escape from her lips. I pulled back and kissed her on her closed lids. She smiled as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Meet me at the courtyard after graduation."

"Okay," she said as I headed back to the graduation line.

An hour and a half later I was walking out the building and headed to the courtyard until I ran smack dab into my parents.

"Congratulations son. We are very proud of you," my dad said holding out his hand for me to shake. I shook it as my mother came over and gave me a hug.

"Yes we are very proud."

I rolled my eyes. My sister and brothers came up to me and we took pictures. I saw Vic from a distance and she waved. I broke through the crowd and was stopped by Angelique.

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