Chapter 75

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"That's inconceivable. No ... I can't ... she can't ... Check again! This must be an aberration."

"To no extent is my slavery to this task an aberration!" The rage in my blood from his second guessing the daunting labor triggered my emotions to over flow. "In my own disbelief, I verified it three times this morning. I even went so far as double checking if her ID number had converted over time."

Witnessing the agony in his emotional slate reminiscent eyes, my rage vanished, my heart ached at his anguish. "It hasn't ... I'm sorry ... it's her." Placing a hand on his back, my hand flows up and down in hopes of comfort.

"Her code was utilized to access a computer in a secured office five years ago. That's her key card with her ID number accessing the office." My finger aims at each point to the highlighted paperwork.

"Here's the transaction from the computers IP address."

Offering him the paperwork his eyes gloss over in an instant.

"Since then, she's switched to unsecured computers, ultimately making it nearly impossible to trace."

The papers soar in the air falling to the floor in a elegant flutter. Axle storms towards his desk swiping everything to the floor. The crash of glass, metal and paper cause loud vibrations to reverberate off the walls coaxing a jolt from my body.

"How could she do this to me! How could she betray me!" The deep octave of his voice induce a shiver to run up my spine.

"I'm so sorry Axle," attempting to ease his pain, I stroll towards him when he lashes out, pinning me in place.


My eyes slice in anger, "Excuse me?"

"No, it's not possible. She incapable of such deceit!"

"Axle, it's quite apparent and before your very eyes!" I wave to the disarray of papers strewn across the floor.

"No, explore further! There has to be an error, or something was neglected!"

The tone in my voice rises, the dead was awaken, "Axle I've spent months cross referencing, creating spread sheets ... my work is accurate and thorough! How dare you question the validity of my slavery towards this investigation because it's an undesired outcome!" My blood spikes with the insinuation I was negligent.

"I implore you Chloe ... for me, just verify every transaction. Perhaps there's something extra somewhere. Something minute that exonerates her. Please Chloe ... for me?"

His beseeching grey orbs annihilate my reserve. Conceding to his pleas, "Fine!"

Collecting the fallen paperwork, he strolls towards the window gazing at the view placing on hand upon the window while the other dives into in pants pocket.

Just before exiting, I twist on the balls of my feet, facing his back, "Axle, if you recall, this is the very argument you issued when hiring me. You were cognizant it was feasible to be someone close in nature."

HIs head twists in my direction, eyes fall upon the floor before they steadily seal while exhaling an exhausted breath returning to the window.

Taking a breath, "I'm sorry Jordan did this to you. I'll attempt to excavate a miracle and uncover other evidence." Backing up to make my exit, his solemn voice impedes my departure.

"And Chloe?′


"Can we hold this in confidence ... for now?"

Nodding, "Of course."

Slouched in my chair, the tone on my phone alerts me a message has been received. Grasping my phone and restricted number appears on my screen.

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