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WEIRD: strange/odd/bizarre; That's the only word Lorelei could use to describe the mood of the house, the Order Of The Phoenix had put everyone a bit on the edge, the lighthearted jokes were no longer tossed around during dinner time, even Tonks s...

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WEIRD: strange/odd/bizarre; That's the only word Lorelei could use to describe the mood of the house, the Order Of The Phoenix had put everyone a bit on the edge, the lighthearted jokes were no longer tossed around during dinner time, even Tonks seemed to be a bit down.

The Marauders™, well 2/4 of the marauders and Aunt Si who still to this day refuses to be a part of James Potter's super secret boy band, were trying their best to ease the tension but Lorelei reckons she's making it tougher for her dad. 

Lorelei likes to try and act like she needs something from the kitchen in order to get some information from the order, but Molly Weasley caught on, having too many of her kids that used to do the same and started leaving stuff out in the Hallway for the kids.

George then decided he would take one of his puking pastilles and then get in the kitchen, asking for his mum — Molly Weasley still caught on, she knew when her son was actually sick and when he was faking it.

The kids were running short on ideas and creativity, so when everyone was in the kitchen having dinner, Lorelei decided to pop the question, "So, how's the order meeting going for you guys?"

"Good" Sirene furrowed her eyebrows, giving Lorelei a look.

"Hey, so I had a question about you guys" Lorelei said, leaning over the table to make herself seem more excited, "How old were you guys when you joined the order?"

Sirius mirrored his daughter unconsciously, leaning forward with a glint in his eyes and Sirene and Andrew looked at each other, already knowing what's going to happen, "We were just seventeen! Dumbledore came to us one day, and he asked us, of course Mia and Monty were against it at first, but then they came around the idea of us doing the right thing"

"Oh, please do tell me more" Lorelei spoke, a smile making it's way on her face, Regan and George had to do everything they could not to fall on the floor with laughter.

Look, George Weasley knew Lorelei Black, no matter how both of them would try to deny it right now, but he knew her. He'd spent almost his whole childhood playing around with Lorelei and Birdie, though the game wouldn't always be of his choice it didn't really matter to him as long as him and Lorelei got to be partners.

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