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PANIC: alarm; Lorelei Black could not believe she had slipped, all those years of therapy, the self hatred, the pain — it had all ended up with her slipping and then beating the shit out of Capella Malloy, she'd heard worse from the blonde, and sh...

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PANIC: alarm; Lorelei Black could not believe she had slipped, all those years of therapy, the self hatred, the pain — it had all ended up with her slipping and then beating the shit out of Capella Malloy, she'd heard worse from the blonde, and she was having an ok day yesterday, it was just a normal day — there was no reason for her to slip like that. All of those years down the drain just like that and because of stupid Malfoy, she couldn't believe she'd done that. All those years down the drain. All those stupid years. What was she going to do now? She can't go through all that again, especially not with that stupid therapist.

She can't do it all again.

Out of nowhere Lorelei's breath started hitching, and soon she wasn't getting any, she grabbed at her collar to feel a bit more free and she tugged at her tie as she felt her body grow hot, especially her ears — no, this can't be happening right now, not right now, not while she has to meet Umbridge. Lorelei closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath, but it wasn't working, she then tried to call out Birdie's name who was talking to Fred a few seats away, but nothing came out — her eyes were burning in their sockets and the world seemed to get darker — she soon felt the dizzying feeling take over and her legs started to give up on her, Lorelei slid down the wall and sat on the floor not caring about the filth under her.

It was all a bit too much.

Tears started to cloud her eyes and blur her vision, so she closed her eyes and started feeling nauseous, her breathing going louder and faster, but none of the air was going in — it was like her chest was moving, but nothing was going in. Lorelei started tugging everywhere, her sleeves, her collar, her tie even her hair, but nothing seemed to help her, so she tried to make noise but all that came out was a choked sob.

Lorelei could feel her ears ringing, and it felt to her like she was drowning — she felt like she was under water and she was flailing her arms and legs trying to get up, but something kept pulling her back and her lungs were filling up with water.

"El?" Birdie turned around to find that Lorelei wasn't there anymore, she frowned as she craned her neck forward to see if Lorelei was around and when she didn't see Lorelei she shook her head and turned back to face Fred, "I guess she went to get some fresh air, let's hope George doesn't get into much trouble"

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