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I'm packing all the stuff I need for college because I'll be staying there for a few months before I can visit my family for a break. "have you got everything packed?" my mum asked me. "no mum, I started packing two minutes ago, I'm not Wonder Woman" I answered back. "don't take that tone me young lady" she said sternly. "mum, that was my normal voice, you know what forget it" I replied annoyed. "hurry up with the packing then, I don't want you being late on your first day" she said and walked out. I sighed while packing all my clothes, I've never been into proper fashion so I usually just wear some jeans and a short-sleeve shirt with a hoodie if it's cold.

About 30 minutes later, I finished packing all my essentials and was just finishing packing the little things I want to take with me. "mum!" I shouted. "are you finished?" she asked. "yes, I'll put my bags in the car" I replied. "alright hurry up, your sister's waiting for you" she stated. "ok I'm coming, I don't have super speed" I answered back. I walked out of the house to the car and put my bags in the boot, Annie was leaning against it waiting for me. "how long are you gonna be?" Annie asked. "I don't know, I just need to get my diary and phone and stuff" I replied. "ok hurry up though, I'm waiting all day," she said annoyed. I started running so she wouldn't get moody in the car on the way to college. I ran into my room and reached under my bed to get my diary and got my phone from my bedside table then ran back out the house. "okay I'm ready" I said panting a bit. "get in" she said as she opened her door. I opened mine and got in as well. "my car, my music" Annie stated. "uh okay," I said.

We were about ¾ of the way there and I started wondering what my roommate would look like. I was quickly taken out of my thoughts when Annie clicked her fingers in front of my face. "I know you will never find anyone but please stop imagining gay shit in your head" she pleaded. "how'd you know? I mean no I wasn't" I defended myself. "yes you were and I knew because you zone out in a certain way when you got gay shit in your head". "fine" I sighed, knowing I would just go straight back to gay thoughts in a few minutes. "so, my friend told me she was gay yesterday, she's in your age range," Annie said to me. "mhm" I replied. "I think she's your type" she continued. "oh yeah? What does she look like?" I asked. "long straight blonde hair, I don't know what you gays call it but she wears sports bras all the time" she explained to me. "Nah I'm good thanks, she'd be too old for me anyway" I replied. "your loss" she mumbled but I still heard her.

About another 20 minutes later we arrived at thecollege. 

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