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I quickly tidied up the glass and water as quickly as I could, I accidentally scratched my hand a few times when I was picking the glass up. I heard the door open while I was still tidying up the mess so I quickly gathered all the glass in my hands carelessly scratching my hands a lot more. "did you drop a glass?" I heard Alison ask. "uh yeah I'm sorry," I said while washing my hands. "are you okay?" she asked. "yeah," I said when I turned the tap off. "why did you drop it?" she questioned. "I um, I don't know" I replied. "it's almost time for the last lesson to start" Alison stated. I looked at my hands and hummed in response. "um, I'm gonna go to my lesson now" I said before grabbing my bag. I grabbed it by the handle and it hurt my scratches a lot. "ow!" I shouted. "you okay?" Alison asked me. "yeah, just cramps" I lied. "well, maybe when we're both done with our last lesson we can watch a movie and I'll rub your stomach to make it better," she said softly. "k" I replied and walked out.

My last lesson finished and it was just like the last two: boring and lots of work. I got back to my room and flopped onto the bed. About 5 minutes later Alison walks in and takes her laptop out straight away. "heyyy" she said sweetly. "hi" I said bluntly. "come on" she said. "what" I whined. "watch a movie" she replied. "no, I'm not in the mood" I answered. "it'll help with your cramps" she stated. "what cramps?" I asked confused. "the cramps you had earlier," she told me. "I didn't have cramps earlier" I replied before putting a pillow over my face. 

"Alex," she said, I heard her voice louder so I looked up and saw her standing by my bed. "what," I said. "what happened earlier when you dropped that glass?" she asked concerned. "nothing, I just dropped it and cleaned it up," I said. "I meant what did you use to clean it up," she said more concerned. "the dustpan and brush" I lied. "yeah so, there is no dustpan and brush in our room so let me see your hands," she said sternly. "there's nothing on my hands" I lied again. "just let me see them," she said softly. 

I held out my hands and she carefully took them in her hands and inspected them. "why Alex?". "I um, I didn't want to get hurt" I answered. "what do you mean? You got hurt by picking the glass up," she asked curiously. "promise not to tell?" I asked. She nodded in response. "when I was with Stacey in her house I dropped a glass and she hit me and told me to clean it up in like 1 minute" I confessed. "I would never hurt you Alex" she whispered looking into my eyes. I sat up and a tear rolled down my face. "you still wanna watch the movie?" she asked softly. "no" I replied, "lay down". 

She followed my order and laid down on my bed while I got off it and waited for her to lay down. I then climbed on top of her and laid down on top of her and buried my face in the crook of her neck. "Alex?" Alison said. "yeah?" I replied. "why do you hate relationships?" she questioned. "because every relationship I've been in I got hurt" I answered. "I won't hurt you," she said. "k," I said and took my head away from her neck and put my head on her chest and fell asleep quickly to her heartbeat. 

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