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Alex's POV

"I'm not crying" I answered back. "Alex, we're gonna go back to the college and talk okay?" she said. We walked out of the shop and on the way back to the college.

We got to our room and I sat down on my bed, Alison sat next to me. "so why were you crying in the shop?" she asked softly. "I had a bad memory of when Stacey said exactly what you said" I answered. "what did I say?" she questioned confused. "you're such a good girlfriend" I replied. "and I meant what I said" she stated. "yeah I know but Stacey didn't," I said. "I'm not Stacey" she replied. "it still reminded me" I argued back. "how did she say it then?" she asked. "she said it like, sarcastically then... don't worry" I hesitated. "no tell me," she said. "it doesn't matter" I replied. "it matters to me" she argued. "fine, she said you're such a good girlfriend then slapped me across the face and punched me in the jaw" I answered. "look at me" she whispered. I turned my head to look at her. "I promise I will never hurt you in any way," she said. I nodded and looked away. "I mean it" she added. "what's the time?" I asked. "uhhh, 3 pm" she replied, checking her watch.

I fell back on my bed from where I was sitting and rolled over so I was on my front. Alison flopped on me so her front was on my back. "get off" I mumbled. "close your eyes" she whispered. "why" I asked scared. "trust me" she answered. I closed my eyes and she got off me. "can I open them yet?" I asked impatiently. "no, a few more seconds" she replied. I heard her moving around the room and going in a bag then coming back to me. "open" she ordered. I opened my eyes and she had a ring box and was on one knee. I sat up. "no, stand up now," I said. I grabbed her arm and tried pulling her up but she wasn't moving from where she was. 

She opened the box and there was a silver ring with a small diamond in the middle. "Alex, listen to me," she said. I gulped and took my hands away from her.

"I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to protect you and keep you safe, I want to make sure you're always happy and if you're not happy I will make sure your problems go away, I want to show you that I will be a better girlfriend than all of your exes, I won't pressure you into doing anything more than a kiss, I want you to walk through the halls of this college and point your finger at me and be proud to say 'that is my girlfriend', please take this ring" she expressed. "Alison, you know I hate-". "I know you hate relationships but can you at least try?" she cut me off. "I wasn't finished, I was gonna say: you know I hate relationships, but you're an exception," I said. She took the ring and put it on my ring finger. 

I looked at it closely and saw it had something engraved: 'Alex & Alison'. She kissed my cheek and stood up. "come on, we're gonna be late" she said and grabbed my arm. "where?" I asked nervously. "it's gonna ruin the surprise if I tell you" she replied. "not to annoy you or anything like that but that's what Stacey said before she left me to rot on the side of the road" I answered back. "trust me" she whispered, "I didn't give that promise ring to you for nothing". I nodded and we walked out of the room.

She had my eyes covered so I couldn't see anything but I could still feel we were inside. She took her hands away when we got there and I looked around. "the college café?" I asked confused. "SHE SAID YES!" she shouted. Everyone we know jumped out from everywhere and cheered. Jess and Candice walked over to me and hugged me. "you chose the right answer" Candice laughed. "seriously though, you got lucky with Alison" Jess added. I laughed and saw Stacey walking over to me. I tried walking away but she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "if it makes you feel any better, Alison asked, not me" I told her. "I'm happy for you" she whispered. I gave her a confused look and she gestured to follow her. I stayed a few feet behind her in case she tries anything. "have a look at this" she said, holding out her closed hand. 

I walked slowly over to her and she grabbed my arm and put her hand over my mouth. I tried screaming for Alison but no one could hear me because we were too far from the crowd. She then dragged me into the ladies toilets and pinned me to the wall by my neck. "don't you realise why Alison wants you?" she asked. "she said she l-likes me?" I replied confused. "she just wants you for sex" she answered back. "no she doesn't" I argued. "yes she does" she argued back. "no I don't" I heard Alison say. 

Stacey let go of my neck and tried to run out but Stacey blocked her. "I'm the head cheerleader so you don't want to mess with me" Stacey raised her voice at Alison. "hm, that's strange because last time I checked, I was head cheerleader" Alison answered back. Stacey tried to push past Alison again but failed, again. "you wanna tell me why you said that to my girlfriend?" Alison asked Stacey. "because I can!" Stacey shouted. 

Alison shrugged her shoulders and slapped Stacey across the face. "the fuck did you do that for?!" Stacey shouted, she tried to throw a punch but Alison caught her hand and punched her in the stomach with the other. Stacey fell to the floor clutching her stomach. "don't talk to my girlfriend ever again" Alison said calmly. She walked over to me, kissed my cheek and we walked out of the toilets holding hands. "are you okay?" she asked when we got out of the toilets. "yeah" I answered. "let's go back to the party" she softly whispered. We walked back and everyone was dancing to music.

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