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I woke up after I don't know how long and saw Devon on top of me and I had my shirt off. "what are you doing!" I shouted. "shh baby girl, let me do my thing" she whispered, putting her hand over my mouth. I tried screaming but it wasn't loud because she had her hand over her mouth. 

I then heard a very loud car engine and I got even more terrified because I thought she brought more people. I tried pushing her off me but she pinned my hands down so I couldn't move. "get off me!" I shouted. "shut up" she hissed. I started crying and kept screaming. She put her hand over my mouth again. "get the fuck off her!" I heard. I recognised the voice but I couldn't work out who it was. I then saw Devon being pulled off me and thrown onto the ground and someone repeatedly punching her.

I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it on. I then curled up into a ball and rocked back and forth while I was shaking in fear. I closed the door so Devon couldn't go near me again. I started crying even louder and I heard the car door open again. I was too scared to look who it was so I started screaming, "Get away from me!". "hey, it's me" they put their hand on my shoulder but I flinched and moved away. They had their hood up so when I looked I couldn't see who it was. "I said get away from me!" I shouted again. "it's me, it's Alison," she said taking her hood off, "come on, I'll take you back". She held her hand out and I shakily grabbed it. "it's ok" she whispered. 

I cautiously climbed out of the car and she picked me up bridal style, I wrapped my arms around her neck and cried into her chest. She opened the passenger door of her car and sat me down. She closed the door and walked around the car to the other side and got in the driver's seat. She leaned over me to grab my seatbelt and click it in. "you're safe with me" she said rubbing my arm. 

I looked at her when she said that and I was still crying a lot, she smiled softly at me but I didn't have the energy to smile so I just looked away. "this was my fault, I shouldn't have agreed to hang out with her" I said while crying. "hey, it's not your fault, Devon is being an idiot" Alison said, "don't deny it". She looked behind her in the backseat and I heard a voice say "whatever, she asked for it". It was Devon. "you're lucky I'm being nice to you" Alison stated. "it's not my fault my car is broken" Devon argued back. I started crying harder because hearing Devon's voice made me terrified. "just start driving" Devon said. Alison started the car and drove back to the college. 

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