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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I heard people arguing in the bathroom. I couldn't make out what they were saying so I went closer to the door to hear it clearer. "you don't own her and you're not with her anymore" I heard Alison say. "she's not with you either so why were you two sleeping together?" I heard Stacey ask. 

Wait, Alison and Stacey are in there? I opened the door slowly so they wouldn't notice me and stepped in quietly, they were on the opposite side of the bathroom so they weren't facing me. "yeah maybe I was, why do you care anyway?" Alison answered. "stop" I whispered. "well done, you woke her up!" Alison shouted. "I woke her up!? You're the one shouting at me!" Stacey replied. "stop!" I shouted. They both turned their heads to me. "sorry" they said in unison. "why are you arguing?" I asked. "she walked in without knocking and saw us asleep so she woke me up and brought me in here and started going off at me" Alison explained. "you never even slept with me when we were together and then you sleep with her when you've here for 2 and a bit days" Stacey stated, hurt in her voice. "Alison doesn't hit me" I whispered on the verge of crying. "whatever" Stacey mumbled and stormed past me, pushing me as she left the room. I started playing with my hands and looked down at the floor. "Alex" Alison whispered. I looked up and saw her in front of me. "why didn't you leave her the first time she hit you?" she asked. "she uh, she forced me" I replied.


It was about 9:00 at night. I was drying up everything I washed up because Stacey asked me to and as I went to pick up a wet plate it slipped and fell on the floor almost breaking but luckily it didn't. "what was that noise?" Stacey asked as she walked into the kitchen. "I just dropped a plate" I replied and picked it back up. "you what?!" she shouted. "I uh, I just dropped a plate, it didn't break though," I repeated. "you almost broke the fucking plate!" she shouted in my face. "get out of my face," I said before turning round to dry the rest. 

She grabbed my shoulder and spun me back around. "don't you dare use that tone with me again" she hissed. "ha, or what" I scoffed. "or I'll fucking do this" she said before slapping my face. "what the fuck!" I shouted. "I said not to use that tone with me, learn to fucking listen!" she shouted and punched me in the jaw. "I'm leaving," I said while holding my jaw. 

I walked out of the front door and started walking home. After about 10 minutes I was almost home (about 5 minutes away) and I heard a car behind me so I got my keys out for self-defence. I couldn't see who it was but they were driving slowly right next to me. I started running and saw the window go down. "babe it's me" I heard a familiar voice say. I stopped running and saw Stacey in her car. "I told you I'm going home" I replied. "get in the car" she ordered. "no" I bluntly replied. "babe it's not safe for you to be out alone in the dark" she stated. "I'm not getting in the fucking car with you Stacey, you hit me, girlfriends aren't meant to do that," I told her. "I'll get you in myself then," she said. I heard the car engine stop and the door open and I started running as fast as I could. 

I felt her grab my arm and pull me as hard as she could back to the car. She opened the door and quite literally threw me into the seat. "get your seatbelt on and stay there" she said before walking around the car to get in the driver's seat. "why are you doing this?" I asked when she got in the car. "because I only want you" she said before driving back to her house.

"you're sleeping in my bed tonight, I'll tell your parents you're staying the night," she said when we walked into her house. (She lives alone because her parents kicked her out, they have to pay her rent and stuff so she doesn't have to). "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you, I'll sleep in the guest room," I said before walking away. "fucking twat, I'll have some different girl in my bed tonight then" she stated before ringing a girl. "I thought you said you only wanted me," I said before walking into the guest room. "yeah well you're no fun anymore" she replied bluntly.

End of flashback

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