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About 10 minutes later I heard lots of shouting and laughing so I thought Annie had brought some friends here. "you said you were only gonna get snacks and then you bring your friends?!" I shouted. "the hell you on about?" a girl said opening the door with 3 other girls following her. "oh uh, I thought you were my sister," I said embarrassed. "weirdo" she mumbled and carried on talking with her friends. 

I was too embarrassed to talk to her again so I just kept unpacking while they were shouting and screaming at their phones. "hey what's all this noise" I heard Annie say. I gestured for her to come over to me so I could talk to her quietly. "I thought that girl was you bringing friends to my room so I shouted 'why would you bring your friends here" I explained. "not a great first impression" she replied. "wow way to state the obvious," I said sarcastically. 

I saw the girls on the other side of the room whispering and laughing while pointing at Annie so I looked at her back but I couldn't see anything. I whispered in her ear "I think those girls are judging you". She turned around and they immediately looked away pretending to be on their phones. "you got nothing better to do than judge me you fuckers!" she shouted. "the fuck did you just say to me" one of the girls said standing up and walking over to Annie. She was very tall and had long straight brown hair. "you heard me" Annie answered back. 

I tried to pull Annie back but she refused to move from where she was standing. "leave me alone, let me deal with this myself" she shouted at me. "aww need your little companion to protect you?" the girl said. "Annie, get out, please" I whispered. "fine," Annie said and walked out while I followed her. "I was gonna beat that girl into bits," she said. "no Annie, I'm meant to be making a good first impression, not showing that my sister wants to beat up every person she sees" I explained. "okay, I'm sorry, let me back in and I'll apologise," she said. "fine, but don't start punching her," I said before she opened the door. 

As soon as she opened the door, the girl went flying at her knocking her over. "get off my sister!" I shouted. I grabbed the girl's shirt and pulled her off my Annie and helped her up. "what the hell!" I shouted at the girl. "why the hell not" she said smirking. Her other friends started laughing so I glared at them and they stopped. "Annie, I can sort the rest out, you go home and check you haven't got any injuries," I said. "okay, call me if they try to hurt you" she replied. "okay love you," I said. "yeah you too" she replied and walked off. I walked back into the room and saw the girls talking and laughing, I was too scared to ask why she attacked my sister so I just laid on my bed and scrolled through TikTok. 

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