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We drove onto an off-road path and I got kind of nervous. "where are we going?" I asked again. "I'm not telling you" she replied bluntly. "it looks like you're gonna kill me or some crazy shit" I stated. "I won't kill you," she said as she put her hand on my thigh. I was a bit nervous about her hand being on my thigh but I let her because I didn't want to make the drive seem awkward. 

We arrived next to a cliff edge and my heart started racing because this was how people get killed in movies. "okay you're gonna kill me, I'm not getting out of the car" I said, crossing my arms and sinking into the seat. "I'm not going to kill you, seriously, look over there" she pointed to a circle of trees with a picnic blanket in the middle. "fine," I said getting out of the car. She grabbed my hand and ran so I also had to run and she was practically dragging me. 

We sat down opposite each other on the blanket and she took some food out of a basket, she then took out some small candles and lit them and put them around the blanket. She took out some strawberries and a pot of melted chocolate. "here, have some" she said, sliding them to me. I picked up a strawberry and dipped it in some chocolate and ate it. "mmm this is nice" I said when I swallowed them. I noticed she wasn't having any. "why aren't you eating any?" I asked. "don't want to" she replied bluntly. I shrugged it off and kept eating. 

About 5 minutes later I ate half of the strawberries and Devon still hadn't eaten any, I kept feeling a bit light-headed but ignored it because I thought it was nothing until my vision started going blurry. I realised what Devon did so I quickly got my phone out while I could still barely see and she asked me what I was doing so I replied, "just checking my emails". I went onto my messages and sent Alison my location then put my phone away. "have some more" she said. "no thanks I'm full" I replied. "oh well, have some water" she said taking a drink out of the basket. "no thanks, the chocolate is kind of a liquid so I basically had a drink" I replied. "mk" she said before staring at me, it was like she was waiting for something. 

My vision started getting worse and then I blacked out but I could still kind of know what was happening around me. I then felt some hands around me, lifting me up. I wanted to scream but I had no power over my body. I heard a very faint car door opening and closing then very light breathing on my neck, I couldn't move but I wanted to get out of here. At that moment I lost all consciousness so I couldn't feel or hear anything anymore.

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