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"Stacey?!" I shouted in fear. "don't worry, I won't make you watch a scary movie" she said. I really wished Alison were here right now. I laughed nervously. "aww baby do I make you nervous?" Stacey laughed. "get off me!" I shouted. "no" she argued. "I think you mean yes" I heard Alison say. Stacey got off me and ran out. "coward" Alison mumbled. "thank you" I said and hugged Alison. I looked up at her and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and had the biggest smile.

Alison got her laptop out and put Annabelle on. "come on" she said. I laid down next to her and she played the movie. Halfway through the movie there was a jump scare and I got so scared I ended up on top of Alison. "you get scared so easily" Alison laughed. "I need some water, I'll be back," I said. I got a cup from the draining board and accidentally dropped it, "shit!". Just my luck, I always drop cups. "don't move!" Alison shouted. "don't worry I'll clean it!" I shouted back. 

She ran into the kitchen and picked me up from behind, carried me to my bed and put me down on it. "I'm cleaning it," she said sternly, "did you get hurt?". "no" I replied. She went into one of the cupboards and got a dustpan and brush. "you said we didn't have one" I stated confused. "we didn't, but I bought one so you wouldn't try to shred your hands again" Alison answered.

She cleaned up the mess while I was on my phone and then said, "I'm going to the shops, I'll be like an hour so don't get worried". "I wasn't gonna worry anyway but okay" I replied. "bye then," she said and walked over to me. She leaned down to kiss my cheek but I moved my head. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" she asked in disbelief. "nothing?" I replied confused. She scoffed and stormed out. I went back on my phone and started scrolling through TikTok.

I've been scrolling through TikTok for like 10 minutes now and it's getting boring. I then came across a video with a girl that looked exactly like Alison. "the fuck?" I said to myself. The video said, "I really like my college roommate, do you guys have any ideas on how to ask her out or impress her?". I got even more confused and decided to go on the comments. The top comment was "get her a promise ring and ask her to be your girlfriend". She replied to it: "thank you, I'll do that". 

Shit, was she gonna get me a promise ring? She knows I hate relationships so she wouldn't even try. But she always says she won't hurt me if we were in a relationship. I groaned and laid down. Wait, what if I act really mean to her and pay hardly any attention to her, then she definitely wouldn't like me.

An hour passed and she wasn't back. I decided to call Annie for advice and she answered on the 3rd ring, "heyyy wassup". "I need help, I think my roommate likes me but you know I despise love" I blurted out desperately. "bruh, I think you gon win the bet" she laughed. "no seriously, she likes me and I don't want her to" I answered back seriously. "okay, if she likes you, she likes you, there's nothing you can do about it, but maybe you could try to be with her for like a few days or something and see how it goes" she advised. "no" I replied bluntly. "bruh, she is gonna be so heartbroken if she actually likes you and you refuse to be with her" she said annoyed. "I don't care, you know I hate it, Alison knows I hate it, everyone knows I fucking hate it!" I shouted angrily. "calm down young lover, try it" she laughed and hung up. "fuck!" I shouted. "you alright there" I heard Alison ask when as she opened the door. 

Time to be a meanie mwahaha. "why do you care?" I answered back while getting off my bed. "you have got some attitude today and I don't like it, what the hell is wrong with you?" she hissed. "nothing so leave me alone" I replied blankly. She started walking closer to me and I tried walking back but I was right next to my bed so I had nowhere to go. 

She grabbed my waist and looked me in the eyes. "what are you trying to do?" she asked curiously. "um, n-nothing" I replied in a high pitched tone because I was a bit scared. "tell me the truth" she ordered, raising her voice slightly. "that was the truth" I replied. "I know when someone lies" she whispered. "I was trying to be mean so you would stop liking me cos Jess said you like me" I blurted out. "why do you want me to stop liking you?" she asked with hurt in her voice as she stepped away from me. "does no one listen to me," I said blankly. "it's cos you don't like relationships so when you know someone likes you, you want to shut them out of your life so you don't end up in a relationship" she explained. "Woah," I said, she knew more than me. "do you wanna watch a movie or something?" she asked. "no I'm too tired" I sighed. "sleep then" she replied. "oh how would I have known that I didn't know sleep existed, I most definitely wasn't going to go to my bed and sleep," I said blankly and sarcastically. "you are pushing the limits little one," she said. "I'm not little, I'm only like a few inches shorter than you" I replied annoyed. "oh you wanna have a fight now?" she laughed. "like, a verbal fight?" I asked confused. "No, this type," she said and ran towards me. I dived out of the way and she was on the bed face down. "ow" she mumbled. "haha, serves you right for trying to kill me" I laughed. "you know what? Get here now" she said as she got off the bed. 

I tried to run but there was a wall in the way and Alison was fast enough to grab me and throw me on my bed. She climbed on my bed and stood up so I grabbed her leg and she tripped over but she fell on me. "what is it with you and falling on me?!" I shouted annoyed. "jeez sorry, it was you who made me fall so don't put the blame on me" Alison answered. She got off me and went to her own bed to sort clothes out. "I uh didn't mean to shout at you," I said. "you always shout at me for no goddamn reason" she muttered. "I'm sorry, I get worked up really easily and the only thing that calms me down is shouting at someone" I replied. "you have shouted at me like 20 times in like 5 days and not once have you said sorry apart from just now" she raised her voice. "I said I was sorry" I mumbled. "sorry doesn't fucking fix things!" she shouted. 

She started walking over to me and I started walking away from her. "you're kind of scaring me now" I said. "I don't care, how else am I supposed to get you to fucking listen to me!" she shouted again. I kept walking but hit a wall and she grabbed my neck hard and tightened her grip more and more. "you're acting like Stacey" I said with what breath I had. She took her hand away quickly and ran out of the room. I rubbed my neck because she hurt it a lot and I started crying a bit. 

I heard the door open and saw Jess and Candice walk in. "what did you do to her this time?" Jess asked. "we were having an argument and I shouted at her and she started shouting back at me and pushed me into the wall and grabbed my neck so I couldn't breathe and then I said she was acting like Stacey and she ran out the room" I blurted out with lots of voice cracks from crying. "does she usually act like Stacey?" Candice asked. "no, this was the first time, she's always really nice to me and I'm a bitch back to her" I replied. "maybe you should find her and tell her it's fine because you know she's not like Stacey" Jess suggested. I nodded and walked out to try to find Alison.

I walked around the whole building and couldn't see her so I went to where she ran last time. 

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