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Alex's POV

"Hey Alex, are you ok?" Alison said softly. I couldn't say anything because I was having a panic attack and I couldn't breathe properly. She knocked on the door quietly before opening it slowly and poking her head around the door. "hey, it's ok" she said softly. She sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I promise I won't hurt you" she whispered before wrapping her arms around me and holding me tight. I felt myself tense up when she wrapped her arms around me. "it's okay, I won't let that happen again" she whispered.

I stopped crying and my breathing became more normal after a while of Alison telling me to copy her breathing. "are you ok?" she asked. I nodded my head and she let go of me. "go to bed, you need a rest, it's 10 pm" she said helping me up. She walked me to my bed and put the covers over me before kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry I shouted at you" she whispered before getting into her own bed. "Alison" I sleepily said. "yeah?" she asked. "why did Devon do that, she said she wouldn't hurt me when Stacey tried," I asked. "I don't know, Devon's always been a mystery to us, she never really shows us what she does when she's not around us" Alison explained, "get some sleep, we have lessons tomorrow". I rolled over so I was facing the wall and got to sleep quite quickly, it had been a very hard day for me and I was exhausted.

"hey, wake up, we need to get ready for lessons" I heard Alison's voice. I groaned before climbing out of bed. "when does the first lesson start?" I asked in a raspy voice. "I-uh-first lesson, don't know" Alison stuttered. I started clicking my fingers in her face to get her attention. "are you ok?" I asked. She didn't answer.

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