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I woke up to my alarm at 8 am as usual. "we have maths first!" Alison shouted excitedly, "I love maths, it's my favourite subject!". I laughed and went for a quick shower.

When I got out Alison was already packing for maths. "um, we still have an hour until class starts" I said. "I know, I'm making sure I have everything" she replied. I nodded and got my clothes from my closet and got changed in the bathroom.

An hour passed and we were both ready for maths. "please don't ruin the lesson for me, this is the only subject I like" Alison pleaded. I nodded and we walked to the class.

When we got there, it was empty. "are we in the right room?" Alison asked. "yep, someone said everyone is late to this class because the teacher is too nice" I replied. "ooh the teacher's there" Alison pointed to a man that looked very nice. "hi there," he said, "I'm Mr East". "hi, I'm Alison and this is Alex" she introduced us. "um, I do have a seating plan unfortunately so you can't sit wherever you want" he explained, "you sit over there, and you sit there". He pointed to our seats. 

Alison quickly walked to her seats and took out a pair of glasses. I walked over to her to talk because no one was here still. "why are you wearing glasses, I haven't seen you wear any the whole time we've been at college" I questioned. "because I love maths and these glasses give me good luck so I do well in it" she replied. I nodded my head and a whole crowd of people came running in and taking their seats. I walked back over to mine so I wouldn't get in trouble. "class settle down, please! I have a seating plan so please find your assigned seats and sit where it says your name on the board" Mr East explained. Everyone groaned and moved around to find their seats. 

I saw Rosy on the other side of the room but I didn't want to shout because everyone was quiet. "okay everyone please listen! I am putting some questions on the board for you to do, you have the rest of the lesson to finish them and you can talk to people but you are not allowed to move" Mr East explained. The questions came on the board when he finished saying that and I got my notebook out to do the work. I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote "hey it's Alex, spot me if you can" and put a smiley face in the corner. I then threw it and with my amazing aim, it landed perfectly on her desk. She jumped a bit when it hit the table but opened it to read it. She then looked around and saw me so she waved. I waved back but she gestured that she wanted to do her work so I left her alone. 

A piece of paper came flying at my face and then a boy laughed. Josh. I hated that guy. I scrunched up a piece of paper and threw it at his head. He threw it back at me and we kept throwing it back and forth for a while until I saw two hands on either side of me on the table. I looked behind me and saw Alison, she didn't have her glasses on anymore so she must be pretty annoyed. She was leaning over me from behind. "listen to me, I want to do my work so you're gonna behave and get on with your work as well" she whispered in my ear. 

I saw Josh laughing quietly at me so I tried acting tough. "why don't you just ignore me then" I snapped back as I turned around in my chair. "why can't you just let me do something I actually enjoy" she had hurt in her voice. Josh was still staring at me... creep. "then why don't you stroll back over to your chair and do your work" I argued, "now leave me alone while I do my work". "you want me to leave you alone?" she asked sarcastically. "yeah" I answered back. I was still trying to make Josh think I was tough. "fine, I'll leave you alone, you can have the whole college room to yourself" she snapped back and packed her things and walked away. I didn't mean to actually upset her. what did she mean by having the whole college room to myself? I wanted to go after her but I couldn't miss the lesson.

The lesson finished early because the teacher is way too nice and I ran as fast as I could to my room. I opened the door and there was a suitcase by Alison's bed. "shit" I whispered to myself. Alison came out of the bathroom and stared at me blankly. "please don't, I didn't mean to upset you" I apologised and walked over to her. "why were you so fucking mean to me?" she asked sternly. "I was trying to make Josh think I was tough," I told the truth. "why?" she asked with suspicion. "cos he kept throwing pieces of paper at me so I was trying to show him that I'm tougher than him" I answered. "don't ever do that again," she said with hurt in her voice. 

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