Chapter 49: It's not really a sacrifice if you're okay with doing it

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Don Servino's P.O.V

"I guess you're right," I stared across the table to my oldest daughter, sitting up straight as a ruler, with a no-nonsense face on, "I'm getting a little too old to be leading these men. They do need a new leader."

Jessica's eager eyes stared back at me. I sighed as I contemplated what I was about to do: pass down the whole mafia and its assets to her. A much too big of a responsibility for her alone.

Especially seeing as to how she already has Victor's, God rest his soul, mafia. But then again, with two mafias under her control, there's no way of losing.

I sighed a second time, clicking the pen against the wooden table in front of me.

"I have... conditions," I began, "If you were to take over."

"Name them."

"One: You will take care of the men as a family, and not as servants or followers. I've seen how you act with people below you, this isn't the same situation."

She nodded, "No problem."

"Two," I turned to my butler standing behind me before I proceeded, "Are you writing this down Gio?"

"Yes, sir."

That's why he's my trusted butler.

"Ok, continuing. Two:" I lifted up two fingers, "You will exact revenge on the Henricksons."

"That's been my plan all along, so it won't be a problem."

"No," I leaned forward in my chair and gave her a steely look, "you don't understand."

A confused look graced her face, "What do you mean?"

"There is nothing more I want from this world than to see Janet and Rick suffer before my eyes."

"Um. Okay. We're sort of on the same page here, dad. They killed Victor, I'm going to make them suffer."

"Then explain to me, Jessica, how you plan on doing that." I leaned back on my chair. I'm positive her definition of 'suffer' is different from mine.

"Well, I'll have both mafias drag the whole family here and shoot them one by one. Probably not killing John and his little brother. But the rest of the family can die for all I care."

"No," I stood from my chair slowly; these old bones are getting too rusty with every passing year, "No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong." I made my way over to her, staring at her eyes, her mother's eyes curious to what I have to say, "Your eyes are still too innocent, but I can tell your mind will take over at some point, if it hasn't already."

"What are you talking about, dad?"

"You know," I made my way to the window, "I wasn't always this ruthless, sweetheart."

"Ruthless? You, dad?" she laughed.

I turned my body to give her a quick glance, "You haven't seen me in action yet. How do you think I built these walls around me? These walls of men willing to lay their lives down for us?" I looked out the window, out towards my late wife's rose garden, "Sacrifice."


"Yes, a dear old friend that pays a visit every once in a while. I'm used to sacrifice. I've sacrificed so much in my lifetime that I've learned to be numb to those situations." I turned back to Jessica, sitting patiently in her chair. "Is this what you truly want? It's not common for a girl such as you to take over a whole organization. But given the circumstances, anything can happen."

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