Chapter 6: You can't be serious..

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"What! But how? I've done nothing wrong!" I explained. This was getting out of control! Out of the thousands of assassins in the world I'm the one that gets framed! I stood up and paced Boss's office, trying to figure this problem out in my head.

"There has been evidence of a person, in this state, getting into the archives from a computer in this very building. It's not clear to the assassins that are coming from afar, who has done it. But they do know it's from someone in this network," he calmly replied. Now I understood why he wasn't freaking out like I was. Not that he would ever freak out. I mean, he's Boss.

"So they don't really know it's me," I stopped pacing at this revelation, maybe I was saved! I looked up at Boss with hope gleaming from my eyes, "It could be another assassin that works here too, right?"

"Let me show you the footage that has been circling around," he said. The fact that he didn't answer my question had me on panic mode again. He went back to his desk and clicked open his computer. Fumbling around with the mouse, he finally produced a video footage of what looks like the first floor of this building.

As I continued to watch this person/assassin getting in to the computer and doing something, I realized one thing. "Why wasn't this person caught? There's so many guards around here, guarding 24/7! And what makes you think that's me?"

"I can't answer that for you. I can tell you this, though: this person is an assassin, but they're not my assassin."

"What do you mean they're not your assassin? You know what, don't answer that," I lifted my palm up in an effort to stop him from explaining. I've heard enough, this was getting way out of hand. I needed to find a way to protect my family and myself from all of these potential threats coming to this city. "I need to know what I can do to protect everyone around me."

"Leave," he replied, "Leave the city, that's the sure way of leading the assassins away."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm deadly serious, my dear."

"I can't do that! What if the assassins don't follow me and figure out who my family is? They're assassins for goodness sake! We were all trained to figure information out!"

He stared at me with a pensieve look, "There is another option."

I looked at him with expectant eyes. Anything was better than leaving my family in danger.

"Stop taking assignments," he said. My eyes widened. I don't think I can survive without kicking someone's butt. "At least for the time being, until this whole thing blows over"

Blows over? This is not the Boss I know. The Boss I know would tell me to fight... right? "I can't just stop, I don't know how."

After that conversation, I left the building. I wasn't going to do the assignment that night. Or any other night, until the whole problem was cleared up. I felt like my world was crushing down. I just hoped I was doing the right thing in staying.

Chase's POV

There wasn't much time left. I needed to find him before anyone else does. 

I looked to my right, at the body I just dumped in a landfill. He deserved death. He almost hurt Annelise.

Annelise. I liked the sound of her name. 

I headed back to my car. I couldn't stop thinking of Annelise. She was different than most girls I've dated. She has spunk, but she's so innocent at the same time. 

God knows I'm far from innocent. I want her, no I need her by my side. No matter the danger, I can protect her.

I laughed, thinking back on the alley way incident. She was so cute trying to defend herself from that dead man.

My smile dropped in an instant. That was the last time he will ever terrorize Annelise. I gripped the steering wheel hard and willed myself not to think about what could have happened if I wasn't there at the right time.

That will never happen, she will be by my side as long as I'm not busy. There's no way she'll be left alone with all the assassins due to be here any day now.

That brought me back to the real problem at hand: finding the assassin who caused my parent's death. 


Author's Note

Yes, it's very short, BUT it's packed with new secrets! *gasp*

I'll probably upload some more tonight or tomorrow!

Vote, Comment, and all that shabang!


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