Chapter 4: .. Killing two birds in one night!

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"I got into this bus, minding my own business. You hear me? Minding my own business!"

There's no way this could be happening. The cherry on top for my already crappy morning.

I slowly turned my head to the seat next to me where a woman was currently looking at me with crazy eyes.

"...and you come and sit here? Next to me? That's disrespect! Do you not see all the empty space in this bus? You're invading my personal space!" She shrieked. By the stench of her breath I knew she was one of the mean people who roamed the streets in search of an innocent bystander to pick on. Well, today was her lucky day: I had to play the stupid part anyway.

I put on the most pitying face on and looked away from her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I made my voice a little louder at the end. Maybe one of these people holding the rails of the bus will stick up for me (not that I needed it!).

The whole 30 minutes on the bus was spent with the woman muttering obscenities my way. I zoned out halfway through it, listening to music.

I hadn't noticed the bus had stopped at my school until I felt a tap on my shoulder, "This is your stop too, no?" I looked up into the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. I looked around me to see most of the bus passengers had already gotten off. Well damn, I guess I had really zoned out. I picked up my stuff and, completely forgetting about Mr. Blue Eyes, I quickly walked out into the multitude of students outside.

Without looking back I hurried to my class. I was already 10 minutes late, but like they say, "Better late than never"!

Just as my hand was reaching out to grab the door handle to my class door, a hand shot out in front of me and grabbed it before me. Startled, I followed the arm back to its owner and noticed Mister Blue Eyes standing there. Creepy as hell.

"Are you following me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nope, I'm in this class," he replied.

"Since when?" I don't remember seeing him in there, but then again, we did just start classes last week...

"Since last week," he squinted his eyes in a mock-suspicious way, "Since when have you been in this class?

Now I felt stupid, "Ok, I get it, sorry," this kid was totally getting on my nerves, "now will you open the door?"

"You're already late to class, what's the difference?" he asked.

"I could be missing some valuable information!" not that I cared. He let go of the handle, but didn't open the door. He isn't serious, is he? I made a grab for the handle but was quickly blocked by his hand again.

"Seriously? This isn't funny!" How was he so fast anyway? He must've anticipated my move.

"Lower your voice, you're gonna wake up the professor across the hall," he slightly jerked his shoulder back to indicate a classrom behind him. Sure enough, I spotted a teacher sleeping on his desk, good thing he wasn't teaching a class at that moment.

I turned back to him and gave him the meanest glare I could muster, "Open. The. Door. Now." I was done playing with this guy. Who does he think he is?

As he was about to reply, the door suddenly swung open. Professor Boley was standing there with an annoyed face.

Oh God... don't tell me the whole class could hear our conversation.

He didn't even spare us a glance and said, "Just get in," in a strained voice. I glanced at Blue Eyes and saw him smirking back at me. With a scowl, I turned towards the classroom and walked right in, carefully avoiding everyone's eyes. Snickers could be heard from around the room. What is this... high school?!

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