Chapter 35: I mean, who names their kid Annelise?!

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Author's Note: Please keep in mind all of the P.O.V changes!!!


Chase's P.O.V

"How are you feeling?" distractedly, I asked Tony. Yesterday, things got completely out of hand. One minute I was killing goons left and right, then next I spy Annelise punching Tony. I really don't know why Annie would suddenly punch Tony,  out of no where.

"Better," he responded. He settled down with a bowl of ramen noodles. I sat down opposite him on the small kitchen table. His face was bruising awfully. 

She throws quite a punch. Something that's left me anxiously curious for the past half day.

"Hey Tony."


"You never gave me Annelise's file."


Jenny's P.O.V

No way.

No freakin way.

She can't be...!

How could this be happening?! My best friend of 2 years is a freakin ninja!

I glanced at the clock on my wall then continued to pace my room. I'm already a couple of hours late for school. Oh well.

This is just so weird. How the heck did she learn how to fight like that? Was it the karate classes she's been taking?

No, she's only taken them once, from what she's told me. 

I'm so glad I stayed behind after Chase told me to leave! Or else, I would've never found this interesting bit of news out! Boy, the way he just whipped that gun out.

True, I freaked out in the beginning... who am I kidding- I freaked the hell out throughout the whole fight!

Holy cow... a ninja for a best friend!

Oh my god. Suddenly, I stopped short.

She killed 2 guys yesterday.

She's a murderer. This is so not good.

Quickly, I grabbed my purse and phone and ran to my car. I need to get to Annie and warn her: someone else was watching the whole thing.


Margaery's P.O.V

No way.

She can't be...!

My feet must be making a hole on my room floors. I just can't shake the realization that Annie is an assassin too! This is... mind blowing! But... this could change everything. Does Chase know??

He probably does, that's why she's been hanging with her this whole time. 

Well, not anymore. Not if I could help it.

I grabbed my keys and phone and headed towards Victor and Jessica's house. Jessica will know what to do for sure.

With no time to waste, I barged in their front door. Strange enough, there isn't a lot of guards as usual. Must be because of yesterday.

Finally reaching Jessica's room, I brought my hand up to push open the slightly ajar door- but suddenly stopped. Jessica's angry voice echoed in the room.

"Just let them handle it themselves! There's no need for you to go, too!" She must be on the phone with her fiance, Victor. Unfortunately, the voice on the other line wasn't loud enough for me to hear.

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