Chapter 34: Whoever told me books were the greatest weapons lied to me.

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-----Not Edited! Keep in mind the changing P.O.Vs too!-------

I should've waited one more stop before getting off the bus. 

I've been walking for 20 minutes now, and I'm still blocks away from her house. I had to text Jenny to find out where Margaery lives. Needless to say, she was ecstatic that I was taking matters into my own hands. 

Silly girl.

'*Are you there yet?*' I read the new text message Jenny sent, quickly sending a 'no' in response. 

I started running; Chase is probably at Margaery's house by now.


Victor Varucci's P.O.V (the brooklyn mafia leader)

"I don't want anyone to bother me, got it?" I warned my bodyguard as he stationed himself in front of my office door.

"Yes, boss," he closed the door behind him, leaving me alone, my tortured thoughts keeping me company. 

8 funerals in 2 days. Unbelieavable.

My dear Franco and comrades all dead because of a stupid girl. How did things get so elevated? If it wasn't for her snooping tendencies, none of this would've happened.

 I've never lost so many men in one day. 

The door suddenly opened. I looked up in anger... didn't I say I wanted to be alone at a time like this?


Seeing that it was Jessica, my anger subsided. I stood up from my desk and walked towards her, enveloping her in my arms. This is what I was missing all day.

"Jessica," I'm a lucky man to have such a beautiful woman at my side, "I missed you."

"I'm sorry you had to do this all by yourself," she murmured against my suit, before pulling away a bit, "But I told you not to send them there, didn't I? Your pride gets in the way sometimes." she chided gently.

I should've listened to her, "I know. It was torture having to call up their families and tell them the news," I felt my eyes water as I thought back to the ill-fated meetings, "You should've seen their faces." Having Jessica by my side helped me finally let go of the pent up emotions. 

"Oh, honey," she embraced me again, and it felt like everything was going to be alright. Like I said, I'm lucky to have a fiance like her.

We finally parted, sitting on the sofa in the office. "Did you find out who did it?" Jessica asked taking my hand in hers.

"Yes. A man named Chase. It seems like this girl Annelise is being watched by assassins. Your father should've mentioned that." Don Servino is planning something, and I don't like it. I don't like that My gang and I are being tossed into this crazy array. But if being able to marry Jessica means having to deal with assassins then I will do it a million times over.

"I'm sorry. Dad just has this old revenge plan on an old foe, and he won't let it go." her voice turned sour at the end. I turned my head to her and spied a hateful expression. This plan must really be bad for her to be so angry about it.

"Can you tell me what the plan is?" I softly asked.

She turned to me, her expression softening, "Not really," she paused, "But it will be over soon and then we'll be able to get married and live happily forever!" she smiled widely, her dimples showing. God, I love this woman.

I laughed with her, "Alright, if you say so," I earned a smack on my arm. 

"Hey! You have to live happily, too!" she pouted. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, but at the least opportune time, the door swung open and my right-hand man, Joe came running in.

Assassin's SecretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora