Chapter 45: If I ever saw dumb assassins...

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Annie's POV

"What did it say?" I eagerly asked Tony. We were seated in a quiet Starbucks, it being past midnight. Tony apparently decoded the message that was inside the bullet the minute he was away from Chase. For some reason, he didn't tell Chase what was written.

"It's a bit cryptic, but I think it pertains to you" he started. He leaned over the small round table between us and whispered, "2 days, 4 Victor, U will all die." Tony looked around him in suspicion of anyone that was nearby, but the whole place was empty except for the barista. 

"Two days, for Victor, you will all die?" I repeated, going over it through my mind. It obviously has something to do with the Mafia and Victor. Perhaps they're looking to rumble in 2 days. "I think I know what it means..." I trailed off, my mind still going a mile a minute.

"What is it? What does it mean?" Tony eagerly scooted closer. I keep forgetting that no one but my family know what happened a few days ago. But like my mother said, with the headquarters being so close, they wouldn't attack us... right? "Does this have anything to do with your arm?"

I looked down at my arm. I had on a thick sweatshirt so it's a wonder that he could even guess there was something wrong. "What's wrong with my arm?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know how he found out.

"Chase and I know that you got hurt a few days ago. Just not to what extent," he explained.

"Oh, it was nothing," I waved away.

"Then why do you carry your arm around stiffly? You don't even bend it properly," he suspiciously asked, narrowing his eyes. Tony's no joke when he gets suspicious.

"'Cause it's sore, duh," I rolled my eyes, mocking his sense of suspicion. In a quick motion (one I couldn't even catch), he had my arm in his hand, holding tightly to it. It's a good thing he held it lower from the actual wound or he would've been in a big trouble, "You mind?" I gritted my teeth in annoyance, trying to pull my arm away from his grip.

He ignored my protest for a second, but relented after. Slowly, he let go of my arm, "You're lucky we're in public," he snuck a glance towards the baristas, "I think they were about to call the cops on me," he smirked.

"That's not a bad idea," I said, miffed at his suddenly friendly tone. He's like an on and off switch, he's blank one second and happy-go-lucky the other, "How do you do that?"

He cocked his head to the side, "Do what?"

"Act like nothing is wrong. Like we've know," killed a person, I meant to say. I didn't need to finish my sentence, for his eyes turned to understanding.

"It takes practice," he said after a while, "And traveling around the world doesn't hurt either," he laughed.

"How does traveling around the world help?"

"For me, the more I see in life, the better I understand. In some sick way, I find a reasonable reason for why I... you know. I tell myself everyday that what I did to that person was meant to happen," he sighed, "Sometimes that doesn't work, though."

"So what do you do?"

"I think of my parents."

"I thought you didn't have-" I stopped myself short, "Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude."

He smiled, "Nope, that's alright. I don't have parents." he bitterly said.

"What happened to them?

"I killed them."


Chase's POV

"Did you get their coordinates?" I said through the phone. Chloe and Tom have been tracked down and it seems like they haven't left the city yet.

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