Chapter 8: You are seriously deluded.

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The last class of the day ended quickly and soon I was walking towards the bus stop. 

I literally had nothing to do once I got home. On Thursdays, I'm usually at Boss's gym, training for the next assignment, but since I was taking a hiatus there was no need for training. Well actually, there was a need to train. I had to keep my form ready just in case I do get found by the assassins. Per Boss's orders, I wasn't allowed to go to the gym (I might have someone following me, waiting to strike, and i can't bring that over to Boss's building).

I don't know how I'm going to get through this mess. 

"Hey Anne! Wait up!" Who the hell calls me Anne? I turned midstep, towards the voice and was surprised to see none other than Slutty McSlutslut taking her sweet time walking towards me. I have no patience for that crap, so I turned and continued on my way. 

I felt a hand one my shoulder and quickly sidestepped away from it. "Don't touch me," I had no interest in hearing what she had to say. I'd seen enough when she was flirting with Chase earlier. I grimaced at that thought. They would actually be cute together. Made me want to rip her head off.

"Hey, easy," she put her hands up, palms toward me as if to try and calm me. "I just came to apologize, I was acting really nasty earlier. That's not really me."

Well hell. This is far from what I was expecting.

"Um, ok," I gave her an incredulous look and turned to walk away.

And again, she made a grab for my shoulder. This time I grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm, not hard but painful enough to make her understand that I don't appreciate being touched. "What did I say," I told her angrily.

"Ow, ok I get it!" I let go of her arm, rather roughly, and ONCE AGAIN turned to walk away. Instead of making a grab of my shoulder, she opted to walk next to me. I don't know what her deal is, but I was getting very annoyed.

I suddenly stopped and turned towards her, "Do you need something?"

Caught off guard, she stammered, "N-no, I just thought I'd walk you towards... wherever you're going."

"Thanks. But I'm fine," She continued walking next to me, while keeping at least 2 feet away from me. It would've been funny, if I wasn't so annoyed.

I saw the bus stop up ahead and made a beeline for it. Margaery HAD to leave once I got there, right?

But of course, I had forgotten who else takes the bus. Chase.

"Chase!" Margaery was suddenly looking cheery again as she waved at Chase from afar. It made me feel a little happy to see him ignore her. Just a little. "I had no idea he took the bus too!" she exclaimed.

I turned to Margaery and realized why she was being so nice to me. She was trying to hook up with Chase! The little sneak! 

Suddenly Margaery stopped, and for some reason I stopped too and was about to turn towards her until I realized what I was doing. She's not my friend, I'm not herr friend. I didn't trust her either. 

"Anne wait!" I totally didn't stop, "I need to ask you something!"

"Fuck off," I told her. She was so irritating!

I heard her jog towards me and was ready to strike if she so much as touched me. She stopped in front of me, successfully making me stop. "Are you and Chase... together?" She asked dubiously.

"That's none of your business,"  I said between clenched teeth.

"Well actually it is. You see, he likes me, but he doesn't know how to show his feelings," she explained, "He's sort of a tortured soul," She had a dreamy look on her face that made me want to puke.

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