Chapter 30: I'd rather fly than die.

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Author's Note: Keep in mind the different P.O.Vs!! There are references of previous events that happened in previous chapters, so lets keep those in mind too!


I've been sent to my room.

I kid you not.

I took one step out of my room and was quickly ushered inside by my mom, claiming I might fall again with a concussion. 

I paced the floor slowly, trying to think of anything to get me out of here. I'm growing restless with every minute that passes! I need someone to break me out of here.


Perfect! My parents always seem to agree to everything she asks! 

I got my phone from the bedside table and texted her a quick "Come over" message. I don't usually invite her over, but this is crucial! I'm going to go crazy just sitting in this empty room!

Just as I was finishing the text, I heard a knock at my door, "Yes?"

"It's me, John. Can I come in?"

I debated on this. Alex is the worst secret keeper, so he might've told John what really happened. Can I risk having John come in and start asking me dangerous questions? No.


"No what?" he asked behind the door.

"You can't come in." 

"I'm coming in anyway," he said as he tried the lock on my door. Fast thinking on my part. "Come on Annie! Just let me in! I just want to make sure you're alright."

Maybe Alex didn't tell him anything. Well I guess it won't hurt to have him in here. I stood up and unlocked the door. John came in looking spiffy in his work suit. He must've been called to work early.

"I'm going to work in a little bit," he said in answer. 

I headed back to my bed and sat down gently, trying not to open the wound again, "Well?" I prodded as he leaned against the wall, seemingly deep in thought.

"Did you not learn anything from karate class?" he finally asked.

"It's only been one day. It's not like I'm going to be a certified ninja in like an hour," I reasoned. He's not very smart.

He looked up as I said this, "Yeah, I guess you're right." 

This is a weird conversation. Is he really that dumb to think one karate class will make someone invincible?!

"Look if you don't have anything else to say, then you can go. Jenny's coming over in a bit," I tried standing up, but I must've opened up the wound since a shooting pain shocked me back down in a sitting position. It's a good thing I kept my face blank. 

John rushed over to me as I sat back down with a plop, "Are you ok? Is it the concussion?" 

"No, I just felt like falling back on my bed," my lame attempt at sarcasm went unnoticed.

"How did you even manage to fall down the stairs? We've been living in this house almost all our lives!" 

I felt him grow suspicious with every word he said. 

When is Jenny gonna get here?!

"Yeah, well, shit happens," I said. He just scoffed and went back to leaning against the wall.

"You're probably the unluckiest person in this whole city."

Truer words have never been spoken. 

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