Chapter 4 (and a half): A cup of tea?

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(Had a little more to add to the previous chapter!! :D )

The class went by slowly, I couldn't stop looking at the clock and wishing for it to turn 1pm so I could go home and freshen up for work that evening. Today I had work at the fast food restaurant and I wasn't looking forward to it. 

Maybe I'll quit soon... all this responsibility is really stressing me out.

Right at 1 o'clock, I leaped from my seat, my items stashed away, and sped-walked towards the bus stop, completely ignoring Jenny who was yelling something at me.

I dashed around the corner and collided with the wall. A warm wall. Someone. Using my quick reflex I righted myself, but then thought better of it and threw myself on the floor. I major in theatrics.

I looked up to see who I had collided with... and who wasn't helping me up! And there, in all his glory, stood Mister Blue Eyes. I immediately regretted throwing myself on the ground; stupid cover-up! What are the odds that out of thousands of students in this school, I end up bumping into the one guy that I couldn't stop thinking about?

"So are you gonna stand up or what?" He smirked at me. Rude. So rude.

I rolled my eyes before standing up. I was going to ignore this guys if it's the last thing I do. Jerks like him don't deserve my attention. I brushed myself off and bent down to pick up my books and paper strewn on the floor. 

How disappointing. The one guy I start having a crush on and he turns out to be a complete jerk! I bent down one last time to pick up the last paper, right at that moment I heard a most familiar voice behind me, "Dude, what are you looking at?"

Oh.My.God. This couldn't be happening. I made sure to keep my head down when I turned. But before I could respond someone else beat me to it, "Nothing man, just...standing here I guess."

Blue Eyes is still here?! I thought he left a long time ago! Oh gosh, he's been looking at me picking up my crap this whole time! That pervert! Just as I looked up to give him a piece of my mind, I remembered who else was with him...Jason!

I did a quick 180 and stepped away as quick as I could without being rude.

"Hey wait!" 

Damn. Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away. I was only a few paces away when I felt Jason's hand wrap around my forearm. Fighting the urge to knock him unconscious before he discovered me, I stopped and slowly turned towards him, carefully avoiding his eyes. He let go and lifted his hand, holding a pencil. My favorite pencil.

"Is this yours?" He held it towards me and I quickly grabbed it and muttered a thanks. 

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

This is it. I'm screwed. He's screwed. I'm going to have to kill him. No, no. Just gotta relax. I can do this.

"You must have me confused with someone else. I don't know anyone in this whole school," Great. Now I sound like a loner.

"No, I know you from somewhere," He kept trying to have eye-contact with me, but I wasn't having any of it. My heart was thumping like crazy and I was sure everyone on a 5 mile radius could hear it. I had to get out of here or something bad was gonna happen!

"Oh now I remember! You were in my Spanish class last semester, right?"

Nope, but that could work!

"Yea! That's what it was! Ha ha, si señorita, you got me!" I gulped down my terror I was pretty sure I just called him a lady, "Well, it was nice chatting with you. Gotta go." I zoomed out of there as fast as my legs could carry me. I reached the bus stop in no time but realized I just missed it by 5 minutes. 

Great. Just freakin great. I can't be late for work, I'll get fired for sure! 

Actually, that's not such a bad idea! Well, whatever happens, happens.

"Thought I'd find you here,"

I looked to my left to see Blue Eyes standing there. I really needed to find out his name, I might end up calling him Blue Eyes someday.

Someday? No, I have to remember to ignore him. 

I glanced away from him and looked at a worn out piece of paper on the bus stop window, advertising some dinky club. I jerked back quickly as a hand was waved in front of me. 

"Hello," he drawled, "I was talking to you," he irritably continued. I was annoying him...good. Maybe he isn't used to rejection. I mean, with eyes that blue and a body so fit who wouldn't want to-- stop.

"Are you... ignoring me?" He asked, amazed, "Why are you ignoring me? I don't even know you."

"Exactly," I responded. I furrowed my eyebrows as I broke my own rule of ignoring him.

"Well how about we change that," he shifted his body towards me and said, "Let's grab a cup of tea."

Holy shit, this guy really isn't from here! I can't believe I never noticed his accent, but it's there alright.

"A cup of tea? Where are you from?" I asked with a smirk. His face lost his smile and I immediately regretted my poor choice of words. 

"A simple 'no' would have been enough," He straightened out his shoulders, and turned away.

I panicked and took a step forward, "No! I'm sorry, it's just your accent-"

"Great! I'll meet you at the Starbucks next to the store with the big red circle at 7 tonight," He interrupted me, walking away.

"You mean Target?!" I called back, but doubted he heard me. I don't even know what made him think I would agree to this! I'm just not gonna show up. Plus, I had work from 3pm to 9pm, there's no way I could leave work early...


Ta da!

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