Story Recap! (TL;DR included)

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Okaaay. He's the recap to the story so far! 

There may be some spoilers in this recap, but they are intended to be spoilers! Meaning on purpose!

They're more like insights to previous questions you guys might have had! They are useful to you for the future!

But if you don't read it, then it's still okay. You won't be missing much :)

There's a TL;DR at the end for you lazies out there ;)

Annelise is a 23 year old college student still living with her parents. She's a student by day and assassin by night. Her best friend is Jenny, who happens to be 19, 5 years younger than her. (Basically, Annie has stayed in college all this time, taking random classes, just to give her an excuse to stay in town where the main Assassin's Headquarters is at). Nobody but her Boss -also named Boss- and her two trainers -Laura and Mike- know about her identity.

She has three friends who go by the nickname The Three J's, who work for Boss as bodyguards, but they don't know her identity, even though they've known each other longer than Jenny's known Annie. They gave her the pet name of  "Emily".

Her two brothers, John and Alex, also live with their parents. Alex is still in high school so he has an excuse, but John -being the cheap-o that he is- has no excuse. He has a girlfriend by the name of Jessica, who is the daughter of Don Servino (a local mafia leader). John, unfortunately catches a glimpse of Annie's tattoo one day ( a tattoo given to all assassins- tattoos may differ by location), and immediately jumps to the "overprotective brother" mode. Later, it dawns on him that he's seen that same tattoo elsewhere, then realizes where: on his parents.

Chase Armitage is the 'new' kid in college. He makes Annie believe that he had been in her class since it began, but in reality the first time they met was his first time in that class. He came from Europe and is the 'manager' ,of sorts, in the assassins headquarters located in Europe. He answers to Boss (who is the owner of the whole Assassins operation), but he hasn't really met him in person, they only communicate through telephones and such.

Anywho, Chase comes down to Annelise's city in search for the person who revealed his identity and personal information- which caused the death of his parents. He's devastated and, after going on a killing rampage back in Europe, enlists the help of a couple of assassins whom he trusts, to help him- including Tony, Chloe and Tom. They follow his orders since he's basically the top dog aaaaaaaand he signs their checks (lol).

Assassins start showing up in town. Two of them being Alex (not her brother) and Ray. Alex meets Annie in a secluded part of a hiking trail... Suspicious, amirite? And does everything he can to grab Annie's attention. He succeeds and she gives him her phone number ( a rare occurence).

Jenny is in an on and off relationship with a guy named Luke, whom Annie deems a nice guy, if not a little on the stupid side. She doesn't see him as a threat to Jenny, but doesn't really trust him with her after getting drunk and leaving her alone at a club.

After a scuffle outside of the club, Annie finds out Chase is one of the assassins Boss had warned her about, and is immediately on guard whenever she's around him. He develops an (*ahem* unhealthy) liking for Annie—but this is due to him being a cold, hard man and not knowing how to showcase his feelings. (aka assassin personality) Throughout the story, you see his personality start changing the more he hangs with Annie.

Chase, in the meantime, has a working grudge against Alex. Reason #1: He's getting too close to Annie, and #2 he believes him to be an assassin too... and perhaps the assassin he's been looking for. He doesn't act on it, though, unless they meet.

Assassin's SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora