Chapter 26: Shoot first. Ask questions later.

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"No, not that way," Alex's frustrated voice said again. I peeked over from the fighting position Alex had oh so subtlety left me on. Every time Alex would put his hands on me to show me the "proper way" of doing things, Tony would interrupt. 

Right now, Tony was in a painful looking position and Alex was rubbing his head in frustration. This is actually fun.

"You said: 'flex your foot and place your hand as so'," Tony demanded still in the awkward position, "Am I not doing it right?" 

"No, you are not." Alex took control of the situation again. This is gonna be awhile... again. I relaxed my position as I watched Alex try to correct Tony's moves. I figured Chase probably told him to play dumb here. I'll have to remember to say thanks to him.


"That Alex guy has the hots for you," Tony said. We were currently walking to my house. He offered to walk me to my house; I refused but, of course, he didn't listen.

I grunted in answer.

"Do you like him?" Tony continued, "You know, Chase won't be happy about that."

"Like I care," I replied. Really though... I'm intrigued.

"Whether you care or not, Chase always gets what he wants in the end," he spoke, matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean? Wait, don't answer that." he's confirmed my suspicions: Chase is a creep. "How long have you known Chase?" 

"Hmm... about 11 years now," he mused. "His parents were my foster parents." 

Oh. "Oh."

"Yeah, Chase is like a brother to me. He's saved me tons of times," he said.

"Saved you?" Now we're getting somewhere.

"Yeah." he replied. I waited for him to continue but he didn't even mutter a word or showed any signs of doing so. 


"How do you know Margaery?" he interrupted me.

"I don't. Why?"

"Well you both seemed a bit chummy back at school." he laughed.

"Yeah, that's her way of greeting me these days," I said.

"She likes Chase, doesn't she." he said. It was more of a statement than a question. I nodded in agreement. "Anywhere he goes he's greeted by crazy hormonal girls. I envy that dude" he mused.

"Crazy hormonal girls?" I snorted. He better not be referring to me too.

"Yeah, like you."

"What! I'm not-"

"I'm kidding! Calm down," he laughed. What a jerk.

We reached my house, thankfully. As much as I like his company -still debatable- he's not allowed inside my home. I stopped in front of the front door and Tony stopped behind me. 

"Well..? Aren't you going to open it?" Tony prodded. He really thinks I'm letting him in? Ha.

"You can go home now," I shooed him away. He didn't budge, though.

"But I'm thirsty! I walked you all the way to your house, the least you could do is offer me a glass of water."

"I never asked you to walk me home. That's all you."

"How inconsiderate-"

Just then the door opened and out popped my brother Alex's head, "Tony! Hey! What brings you here?"

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