Chapter 53: We're Not Playing Undercover Anymore.

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(A/N: best title gets this chapter dedicated to them! Let me hear those ideas!)

!!!~~25 years earlier~~!!!

Janet's POV (Annie's Mom)

"Hurry! We're losing them!" I kept an eye on Don Servino and his wife in the car ahead of us. They were driving really fast, almost too fast to catch them.

"Don't worry, we won't lose them this time," Rick said. He accelerated towards them, losing distance between the cars.

We kept a good speed behind them, even when they veered off onto a different road. Cars were becoming a scarcity in these lonely neighborhoods. "Where are they going? There aren't any more roads up ahead." Rick commented.

"Lets keep following them. This ends today." Rick nodded in agreement.

Don Servino's car made a sharp turn ahead, behind some run down buildings. Dust and pebbles sprayed everywhere as his wheels made a a sharp screeching noise. "Take this turn," I advised Rick. If we could corral them into a corner, that would be even better. Rick turned into a wider street, it was empty of cars and people, giving me the feeling that this is a ghost town, "Take the left turn up ahead," I pointed. He did as I said, and in no time we saw Don Servino pass us by. Driving on a dirt road with pebbles is a slow and difficult process.

On their tail again, we kept a very close distance, bumping hard into their bumpers every now and then. When are they going to run out of gas?

"There's a bridge up ahead," Rick suddenly said, "I'll make them swerve into the railing." His voice lowered as he concentrated on his speed. It had to be just perfect so he doesn't make them crash through the railing and have them fall into the river below. I wanted to kill him myself.

"Here...," he sped up a little faster, "I..." the car in front of us started swerving as Rick literally had both of our bumpers together, "GO!" With one little burst of speed, our car knocked into the back of Servino's car, making him lose control. Rick slowed down considerably, watching as the car in front skidded against the old asphalt... losing traction.

Without stopping, Don Servino's car crashed into the railing and fell into the water.

"Oops," Rick said. We stayed still, wondering if we should risk our lives trying to save theirs.

We're still going to kill them anyway.

Exasperated, I sighed, "Lets go get them out."

"Yes, ma'am."

We drove to the end of the bridge and ran through the last piece of railing to get to the edge of the river.

We could still see the back end of the car sticking out of the water.

"You think we're too late?" I asked Rick.

He shrugged, "Maybe. Lets go find out."

I nodded, getting out of the car and taking off my shirt. "Should we put on our masks right now?"

"No," Rick answered, "Lets wait until we get them out. It might be difficult to swim with them on. Oof! This water is cold!" he started walking into the river, and soon dove in. I followed closely behind.


Coughing and sputtering water, Don Servino and his wife lay on the ground before us, trying to catch their breath. While they were getting themselves situated, Rick and I put on our ski masks and our dried shirts. You never know if there might be a passerby nearby.

"Are you alright?" Don Servino turned to his wife.

"Yeah," she coughed out.

He turned fiery eyes on us, "What do you want with us. Why are you doing this?"

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