Chapter 37: It's kill or be killed.

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"Just hold the wheel while I slide over your arm!" I tried again. John has no faith in me and my skills. For the umpteenth time I tried to get him to cooperate and switch places with me, but he's too afraid to even move. "John, it's much more dangerous on your side of the car, the goons are on that side! Just switch with me, it's safe and empty on this side!" I lied.

"Annie, you must be crazy to think that I'll switch in the middle of the ROAD!" he shrieked the last word as another shot rang against my car.

"You see? Now hold on to the wheel or I'll just let it go. I'm not kidding," I threatened. I gave him two seconds to decide, but he didn't budge.

Unfortunately for him, I keep my word.

I let go of the wheel, but not before putting it on 'Cruise Control' (i'm not stupid), and brought my feet up on the seat. I straightened my legs as much as I could on the small cramped place. John still hasn't noticed.

"John, you better switch now or we'll all die," Alex piped in from the back.

"Why-? Oh my God! Annie, get back in your seat!" panicking, he lunged for the wheel, making the car veer on the road slightly- but by going near 100mph the small movement became an even bigger movement. The car veered to the right, straight onto the SUV. Unfortunately the SUV wasn't quick enough and we ended up scraping the side. 

Without any worries, I grabbed onto John's shirt from the back- amidst his complaints- and roughly pushed him forward, giving me room to stand behind him on the seat. It was an uncomfortable position, but now that I'm here he has no choice but to switch to the driver's seat.

And that's exactly what he did, grumbling and cursing all the way. 

"Alex, shoot for their wheels," I instructed as I made myself comfortable. 

"Really? I get to shoot?" he asked excitedly. 

"Yes, do it now! But don't open the window all the way," I got my gun ready as well, making sure I had extra bullets in my pockets. " Don't let them get a clear shot of you."

"Got it!"

A gunshot rang out from the back seat followed by a whoop of joy, "Whoo!"

"Did you hit it?" I called out, impressed. For his first time shooting, he's pretty good!

"No, I'll try again!"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would be excited for no reason.

"Annie, when my parents find out about this we'll all be dead," John said.

"They're not gonna find out. Just keep your eyes on the road," I rolled down the passenger window far enough to stick the end of my gun out, "John, press the brakes a tiny bit, let the SUV go further up ahead." I can only hope he knows what I'm talking about. Fortunately, he did as instructed, giving me a clear shot of the SUV's front tire. 

Aiming carefully, I shot the tire. A loud pop followed by a screech of metal was heard as the black SUV careened to the side of the road, gaining momentum.

"Whoa, nice shot!" Alex commented.

"Keep your eyes peeled for the next one. There's at least two more behind us!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

I turned my head to the back window, keeping a lookout for the other SUVs who have suddenly slowed down. IThey seemed to be falling far behind and I could only guess that they're slowing down to take care of the SUV I just shot down. 

"Oh, thank God," John breathed a sigh of relief. Our car started slowing down, matching the speed limit of a lone car ahead of us. "I thought we were going to die."

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