Chapter 21: My life is slowly coming apart.

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Fortunately, Chase left as soon as John threatened to call the cops. Unfortunately, my parents weren't home yet. I was currently pacing the floor in John's room, preventing him from going back to sleep.

"What's taking them so long?" I asked John. I know I should be out there looking for them, but it might prove to be dangerous leaving John and Alex alone in the house.

Who knows, maybe they did go for a walk like John insists. I sighed in frustration. These last few weeks have been one problem after another. Funny that they all happen to be at the same time as the revealing of the assassins. 

"Annie, come on. Just go to your own room," John's muffled voice came from under his bed sheets. "Give them a call or something." This is what he gets for letting my parents out without supervision. 

"How can you sleep at a time like this?"

"What do you mean 'time like this'?!" He sprang out of bed fuming, "They're adults! They don't need help running their lives," he pushed me towards his door and I obeyed. "Go call your boyfriend to come back."

"He's not my-" John slammed the door on my face and a sense of deja-vu accosted me. My brothers are rude.

I walked back to my room, intent on cleaning my weapons to pass the time. Falling asleep is out of the question, I have to keep a lookout in case Vincent's henchmen decide to pay a visit. Plus, my parents are still outside- who knows where doing who knows what. 

It was already 2 in the morning, my weapons are all glistening with cleanliness, and still no word from my parents.

At that thought, I heard from outside my window laughter and heavy steps coming up the driveway. These two kids are totally gonna be in trouble.

Hurriedly, I went into the bathroom to recheck the make-up on my face and arm, making sure the bruise and tattoo aren't showing. I'm not making that mistake twice!

I dashed out of my room just as my parents waltzed into the house.

"Where have you been?!" I started. I took in their appearance but didn't find anything amiss. They were both in their casual atire and holding hands. I was hoping to catch them redhanded, drunk and dirty. That would've given me leniancy for future times I needed to get out of the house. In other words, blackmail.

My parents are still the innocent, goody-two-shoes as always. 

"We should be asking you the same question, young lady," mother placed her hand on her hips and made the 'you're in trouble now' gesture. Gosh darnit, I should've thought this through.

"What do you mean, I was here the whole time!"

"John said you and Alex left the house earlier," my dad replied, "It's dark outside, what were you thinking? You could've gotten kidnapped for all we know!"

I held in the smile that was threatening to come over my face. They were so spot on. "We went out for a walk, we had some issues to settle. But what about you guys? You both were gone for, like, 3 hours!" I retaliated.

"Two of those hours were spent looking for you both, then we texted John and he said you were both home, so we walked back," she explained, "I don't even know why I have to explain myself to you. You're grounded. No TV, no cellphone, and no hanging out with friends for one week." 

"What? You can't do that! I'm an adult!"

"An adult that lives under my house: abides by my rules," I stared wide-eyed at the ridiculousness of the situation, "Do you have anything else you'd like to argue about?" she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I don't know what's gotten into her, but it looks like my nice, push-over, mom is gone.

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