Chapter 56: I Wish You Were My Brother

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"Annie, don't leave," Jenny pleaded again. We were parked outside of her house, the big black SUV not blending in well with the neighborhood. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, too. I'll literally go crazy!"

"Jenny, it's not a big deal," I started, but stoppedmid-sentence as Jenny's face contorted into one of disbelief.

" 'Not a big deal' ?" she scoffed, "You're basically going off to your death and you tell me it's 'not a big deal'? You know, I hate to be the selfish one here but have you thought about what would happen if you left your parents? Your brothers? Me?" tears sprang up again as she fiddled with the hair wig sitting on her lap, "Listen, I know I haven't been the best of friends-"

"Jenny, that's not-"

"No," she put her hand up dramatically, "Let me finish. I know I haven't been a good best friend, but I really do care about you. You're like my big sister, and the only other person, besides my mom, that I have in this world. Please don't go. Let the police handle it. Hell, even the FBI is involved! They can fix everything. Just stay here, we'll binge watch on a Netflix show and eat ice cream until this all blows over. Yeah?" she smiled up at me with hope in her tear-stained eyes. If only it was that easy...

"I'm sorry, Jenny," her face crumpled up and tears formed in her eyes, "I can't just sit around and wait for something bad to happen to my brother. I would've gladly let the FBI handle this matter if they knew exactly what was going on. The situation is a bit more complicated for them to comprehend. If they found out about my 'situation', I might go to prison and face a life sentence! I have to deal with this myself, before the FBI even get there." 

"They can fix everything..." she murmured with less conviction this time.

"Look, I promise to come back as soon as this is all done and then we can watch whatever show or movie you want on Netflix. Ice cream's on me."

"You promise?"

"Of course! Just let me know what kind of ice cream you-"

"No, you promise to come back? Safe and sound?" she looked at me square in the eyes. 

"I promise."

What if I can't keep this promise?

"Oh yeah, and I wanted to ask: Is there anyway I can come with you and kick butt?" there's the old Jenny I know.

"Absolutely not." 


Jenny's POV

As soon as Annie dropped me off at my house, I raced upstairs straight to my phone charger. My phone ran out of battery a few minutes ago and I needed to make an urgent call!

No way is my best friend going off alone to fight those bad guys.


Janet's POV (Annie's mom)

"It's been awhile," I tell the couple in front of me. Their faces masked their true feelings and their twitching fingers gave it away. Almost 25 years  hiding away safely.

They had to know this day would come.

"Yeah," coraked Mary. She cleared her throat and tried again, "Yeah. How are my..." she trailed off, seemingly afraid to finish her sentence.

"Children? Husband?" I finished for her. The nerve. She leaves behind two daughters just to live with her ex-husband's brother, "If I had known you were leaving behind two daughter, I would have never let you go."  But maybe killing her would've been worse.

"It's not like that," she rushed, "I would have never let them go, but I had no choice. I couldn't live with Steve anymore. I just couldn't! I felt like I was suffocating-"

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