Chapter 25: Heeey

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Author's Note: Was asked to show characters and ages to refresh the memory! Here they are!:

Annelise: 23

John (her bro): 26

Alex (her bro!): 17

Chase: 25

Tony: 25

Margaery: 24

Jenny(her 'bff'): 19

Alex: 26

Here are just a few for now! :)


I ripped my arm from her grasp and resumed our interrupted stare-down from the day before. This time, I wasn't letting her off easily.

"And if I don't," Not that I mean it.

She tilted her head quizzically, "I thought you said there was nothing going on between you and Chase."

"That's none of your business." I replied.

She smiled in her deranged way. Geez, does she know how creepy she looks?

"Girls, girls, lets break this off," Tony stepped in between us, waving his hands up and down to calm us down, "We're in a public place, remember?" He spoke to both of us, but his meaningful stare lingered for a second longer on me.

I sighed in defeat and stepped away from them, Guess I won't be kicking her ass today.

"We're not done here," Margaery raised her voice. I saw her try and take a peek at me from over Tony's shoulder. Tony might be of use after all.

"Yes. You are." Tony demanded. Not bad.

I turned to walk away, aware that class might've already started. Dumb Margaery getting in the way of my studies.

Just as I took a few steps away, I heard the unmistakeable "oof" and groan of pain. I looked back and saw Tony clutching his family jewels. If I didn't know the guy I would've been laughing my butt off... but, as it is, I do owe him for stepping in between Margaery and I.

Margaery was standing over him with a look of annoyance.

"Hey! What's your problem?" I demanded.

She looked up at me and said, "I told you we weren't done talking."

"What?" She serious right now?

"Are you deaf now?" she growled out.

"Whoa, dude, just calm down," I raised my hands up in a calming manner, but she must've not gotten the memo for she started stomping her heels towards me. I stayed rooted on the spot, curious to see if she was going to resort to violence with me. Ha.

"Look, I've tried really hard to get to this position so don't test me!" she yelled in my face.

"What are you talking about? What position?" I asked.

"Who exactly are you?! Just get out of my life! Stop taking what belongs to me!" She swung her right hand towards my face, and I caught it mid-flight.

Was she really gonna slap me? Yes, yes she was. I have to defend myself now, right?

I grabbed her hand and elbow and, in quick succession, twisted her arm behind her back. She cried out in pain as I tightened it further.

"Let go of me!"

"No." I pulled her arm back even further until I heard the creaking of her bones, a teensy bit more and I could have her shoulder dislocated in no time. But I'm a good person, so I did the most decent thing I could've done in that situation: I roughly pushed her forward, which in turn unbalanced her and had her tumbling face first to the floor.

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