Chapter 27: Likely Story.

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"Shit, what did you guys do?!" Tony exclaimed as we saw the red figures on the screen circling the house. What are we diddle-daddle-ing for? We're about to get ambushed!

"There's no time to explain. We have to-"

"It's the Mafia, isn't it?" Alex asked me. Of course it is, but there' s no point in talking about it right now.

"The mafia?! Are you kidding me?!" I didn't answer Tony as I ran to my bathroom. I know I hid my tranquilizer gun around here somehwere... "Chase is gonna have a field day when he finds out about this." Tony called after me. Why is he so calm? He should be helping me execute my plan not calling Chase. 

There's really no time to lose. Any second now those guys outside are going to break in all at once and attack us while these two bozos in my room are staring at the monitors. 

I looked behind the trash bin where I know I cut a piece off the wall. Hopefully that dratted gun is there. I haven't found a need to use it in a long time. If I can get at least one of those guys alive I can find out who sent them for sure. 

Seeing as to how Tony shot and killed someone, a tranquilizing gun is vital right now. 

There it is! I tugged the gun away from the wall and dusted off the webs and dust accumulated over the years. I reached into the wall even further and found what I was looking for: the box of  darts! 

Hopefully they're not expired...

I ran out of the restroom, gun in hand and set it on the bed while I ran around, looking for my preferred fighting attire: I'd rather not fight in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

"I'm definitely calling Chase, this is insane," Tony commented quietly. 

Shoot, he can't call Chase! 

"Hey Chase, you need to-" I lunged forward at the last second and smacked his phone off of his hand. It clatter to the ground, dispelling the battery off. "What the hell?! That was my new phone!"

"Don't you dare call anyone!" I cautioned pointing my finger at him.

"Uh, guys..." I looked over at Alex who was still staring at the monitors. He pointed to the far right where we could clearly see a figure jump in through the dining room window. Guess I'll be fighting in my sweats.

"Damnit. Tony get ready to shoot, but try not to kill them. Alex," I ran to my bedside table and opened the top drawer, "take this knife and stay in here! You'll be safe in here, the window is bulletproof but you have to leave it locked, got it?"

"Y-yeah," he stuttered as I handed him my trusty blade knife. Hopefully he won't have to use it.

I loaded the tranq. gun and set the strap on my shoulder. I unstrapped my gun with the silencer and held it ready as I slowly opened the bedroom door.

"So what if I kill them? It's no big deal," Tony whispered behind me. I shushed him as I looked out. This guy doesnt know when to shut up.

Seeing no one in the hallway I stepped out all the way, Tony right behind.

"I'll take the downstairs, you take care of the upstairs," I commanded. I didn't see anyone climbing to the second floor, but you can never be too sure.

"And miss out on all the fun?" he said, "Nah, I'll stay down here."

"Do as I say," this is why I'd rather work alone.

"No," I stared wide-eyes as he passed me on the hallway, gun raised. If I don't get to those guys first then this house will become a giant slaughterhouse.

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