Chapter 33: Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

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"You're not getting away with this."

Chase laughed at my threat as we exited our class. I laughed along after a moment.

It's funny cause he thinks I'm joking.

"You guys haven't even gone out on one date and you're acting like a married couple already," Jenny piped in.

"No we're not," I reasoned. He only gave me a piggyback ride half of the way in the class before I pinched the back of his neck hard. I made sure to stick my foot out in a childish way, to trip him, but he had good reflexes. 

Assassins these days.

"Speaking of dates, when's a good day for you?" Chase said. I turned my head to him, spied a happy smile, and wondered if I should invite him over for dinner like my dad wanted. 

Nah. It's too early for that. I think.

"Isn't it supposed to be up to the guy to plan something?" Jenny said.

"Is it?" Chase asked. He so cute when he's confused.

"It doesn't have to be," I responded, "How about we just hang out after classes today?"

"Sure," Chase smiled, but as quick as it appeared, it disappeared, "Wait-no, I can't today." 

"Oh. Alright," Assassins gotta do what Assassins gotta do. Still, I couldn't help the frown on my face from making an appearance. 

"What's more important than hanging out with Annelise?" Jenny placed her hand on her hips as he stared Chase down.

Love this girl, but she just doesn't understand the busy schedule of an assassin, "No, Jenny, it's fine. He's--"

"I promised Margaery I'd help her with her Finance homework," Chase calmly interrupted me.

Excuse me.


Jenny and I exchanged looks before turning back to a now-nervous Chase.

"You're doing what...with who?" Jenny questioned first. 

"Uh Margaery? You know," he lifted his hand near his neck, "Nay high, blonde hair, blue eyes. Just had class with us."

"You're really observant," Jenny accusingly replied for me. I know it's the job of an assassin to memorize features on a person... but I can't help but feel betrayal.

Call me dramatic.

"I thought she was your friend," Chase turned his attention to me and sighed, "I'm sorry, but I can't back out of my word now."

"What if I just come with you?" I don't know why I just said that. Why in the world would I want to go over that snake's house? 

To keep an eye on her. Right.

"Um, no. It's ok. I'll be done quickly," he hastily said, slowly retreating backwards, "I'll meet you at your house after I'm done, ok?" With that, he turned around and quickly walked away.

"You want me to spy on them?" Jenny whispered.

"No, that's ok." 

I can do that myself.


Chase's POV

I just barely dodged a bullet there. 

Quickly, I made my way back to my apartment. I have to get much more lighter weapons if I'm going to try and execute this plan.

"Hey, man," Tony called from the kitchen. "Made some Mac 'n Cheese for you."

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