Chapter 5: Stop trying to be the hero and get inside!

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I hurried home after getting off the bus. There was only 30 minutes left before I had to be at work!

What was it with today? Everything seems to be piling up on me. But I can't lose control; I can't afford to.

I walked into my house and headed towards my bedroom.


I froze midstep and went on high alert. Someone was in my room. Slowly, I crept towards my room and saw it was half opened. No one was allowed in my room when I wasn't home, so I know it's not the boys or my parents.

I reached behind my back and pulled out my concealed gun from my waistband. I didn't hear anymore noises coming from my bedroom, but there was no telling if the intruder had left yet or not. I stood next to the doorframe and counted to 5.

"5," I froze in place. That was not my voice.


I walked in, weapon still ready, just in case it was a threat... what? You could never be too sure..

I looked up at my trainer to see her with both hands up. I relaxed a bit, still wary, but not threatened anymore, "I see I've trained you well," She remarked.

The important question here came out of my mouth, "What are you doing here?" 

Her face immediately morphed into a scowl, "There's been a problem. It will be better if you heard this from Boss himself."

I was puzzled. There has never been a problem with how I usually caught my client's victims. Roger must have escaped or something. But it didn't make sense: they are heavily guarded after I drop them off. I looked back at Laura but found that she had disappeared. Wow, for a 50 year old woman she was really good. I didn't even see her leave! I looked down at my bed and noticed a small piece of paper on my pillow.

"Be careful" 

Be careful? This must be a joke. Since when has Laura told me to be careful. I thought of every possible reason but couldn't come up with a good reason for the note. I never made enemies because, well, they could never see my face. My victims don't know who I am.

I crumpled up the piece of paper and quickly changed into the ugly canary yellow uniform I had to wear for work. Yep. I was the chicken that stood outside of the store giving out samples. It was the only job where I could sneakily leave and take frequent brakes! Of course I didn't get paid enough, but i needed a quick job to give me an excuse of my frequent absence from home.

It's becoming more frequent with all of the requests for me to be the Assassin for clients. (They preferred an Assassin who won't kill their victims... they liked to do it themselves). 

I looked at the clock (something I've been doing frequently lately!) and noticed I was to be at work in 25 minutes! There was no way I was gonna make it on time.

"Honey, I'm home!" I heard my dad yell from the front door.


I grabbed the chicken head and stuffed it under my arm while I grabbed my purse and a change of clothes to put in my duffel bag. My eyes spang wide open as I realized I left my duffel bag in my ar last night. But I had no time to run over and put my clothes in there. Instead I just stuffed my clothes into my costume and felt them slide down a leg. This was going to be the most uncomfortable shift ever.

I ran out of the door and found my dad in the kitchen, making himself a sandwhich (my mom must be at her book club), "Hey dad! Do you mind taking me to work today? I'm running really late and I can't be late again, or i'll be fired," I widely opened my eyes for a scared effect.

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