Chapter 24: Oh no she did not.

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There's alreadey way too many assassins showing up: Chase and Tony. I know for a fact that Tony is an assassin. There's absolutely no doubt about that. It's only been about 2-3 weeks and already I've got two assassins on my tail.

It's a good thing I know who they are. I can keep my guard up much more effectively this way.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

I shifted to the side of my bed and the sun streaming through the window hit me full force.

The sun?!

Shoot! What time is it? I have a class at 7am... there shouldn't be any sun at this time!

I bolted out of bed and checked my bedside clock: 9:00 am! Oh man, Jenny's gonna kill me.

As quick as lightning I rushed to the bathroom to reapply my cover-up makeup. It didn't take too long this time since the bruise on my face wasn't as bad as before. As soon as I was done I picked out my best sweats and located my favorite weapons.

The thought of having Jenny yell in my ear in anger gave me goosebumps. Obviously she can't lift a finger against me, but that girl has some lungs on her. I've ditched her many times, but not once have I left her alone in a classroom- something she really hates. Unless you count our second class of the day where I constantly leaver her- but for some reason, that doesn't bother her...

I checked myself in the mirror, making sure all my weapons were securely covered. Just then, the door slammed open and in walked the person I was dreading to meet.


"Don't you Jenny me!" 

"I'm so sorry! I literally just woke up," I apologized. The look on her face wasn't as serious or angry as I thought it would be. In fact, she had a sort of complacent look about her. I eyed her warily.

"In all the years I've known you, I've never known you to be one to sleep in," she laughed. Oh-kay.

"What happened," I asked... no, I demanded. There's definitely something fishy going on here.

Immediately I could see her guard come up as her eyes widened in wary apprehension, "Umm, promise not to get mad at me?"

Oh geez, that's never a good sign, "What did you do," I replied, irritated.

"You know how Luke has the same class as us?" she meekly responded. How could I forget.  I notice that guy sneaking a look at Jenny any chance he gets. Since the club incident, him and Jenny haven't talked... as far as I know anyway. "Well, we talked it out and..."


"Wegotbacktogether!" she rushed out. I stared at her, not seeing the big deal here. Sure I'm still a bit peeved with him for leaving Jenny alone at night that one time, but I didn't think much about it after I found Jenny. 

"Oh. Great, I guess," I dismissed it with a shrug.

"You mean... you don't care?" she asked incrediously.

"Why should I?" I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Why the heck should I be mad at him? Did he do something unforgivable? "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Oh!" her eyes widened at the realization, "I guess I never told you why Lucas and I fought at the club," she mused by herself, "Well, it doesn't matter anymore," she smiled brightly at me. 

Now I'm really curious. "So why did you guys fight? You have to tell me now," I demanded. What kind of friend am I if I didn't even know what Jenny and Luke had fought about. This is what friends do, right? They gossip?

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